Sunday 18 November 2012

Reconnecting With Customers - Business Coaching

What do you do if events outside the business have stopped you from keeping in contact with your customers and your potential customers who have shown interest in your business?

This is a problem I have and it's a problem that one of the business experts I follow has.

Paul Lemberg has reached out to his email subscribers after eleven months with a mea culpa.

He recommends taking two actions:

  1. Get back in touch and share great free content
  2. Make a killer offer

They make sense to me and it's exactly what I was planning to do.

But I also think he is wrong about one thing.

He says

"Sure there are reasons why these things happen, but really. Who care about your reasons for things?"

I care.

I left this comment on his blog.

"It's great to have you back Paul but I think you're wrong.

People buy from those who they know, like and trust. If I like, then I care. I want to understand."

That doesn't mean that I want him to go on and on about why he's been away but I do want him to feel human to me and not like a business tips producing robot.

I think there's a fine line between business and personal.

I have followed some peopel on Twitter who tell me all kinds of stuff about their personal life that I just don't want to know.

There are other people who are "business, business, business". That's fine but at no stage do I feel a personal connection. I don't "know them". I don't "like them".

And therefore I find it hard to trust them.

I've interviewed Paul Lemberg and exchanged a number of emails so I've got a closer relationship than many subscribers. That means I know, like and care more than I would if I was less connected.

But I think you want to strengthen relationships and that means getting to know the person behind the professional mask.

The late Chet Holmes took a very different approach with his battle against leukemia. I think it brought people closer to him although it was very personal to do it when it was first diagnosed.


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