Tuesday 24 July 2012

Moving Beyond the Busy Mind, Communication, Love and Telepathy ...

July 22nd, 2012 | Leave a comment

This is the written transcript of a conversation I had with my guides tonight. Asking more questions about how to surrender to the flow that takes us back to source. Also discussing the importance of communication in relationships and how to remove communication blocks. Towards the end, my guides also shared some more general information about telepathy and the reawakening of our telepathic communication skills as we move forward on the path of ascension.

Dear angels, I would like to move forward on the path of love. Surrender to the flow that takes me to the divine heart, as you described in our last channeling session. I?m experiencing more pain and loneliness now. Can you explain this to me?

You would like to know why, dear one. And we understand that the path that many of you have chosen is not an easy one. However, rest assured that you are heading towards the light, and that you are close indeed. It is simply your mind which seeks to distract you. The ego is afraid of its death, as we explained in some of our previous sessions.

Do you notice how your mind attempts to keep you busy with mundane tasks? Yes, there is a time for action, dear one. But your path could be so much easier if you allowed it to be. It is the struggle which we described. The fear of the light, which is in truth the fear of being outcast again. However, remember that the loss of your home is always merely an illusion. Do not fear. Walk forward with faith. Let go now. Just let go. Let the flow carry you, and wash you gently. There is nothing to fear. And in truth, you are close to the light, so close. All that is required is a bit more faith.

I believe I know where I want to go, but at the same time I resist. Whenever I get the chance to take an action step in the direction I?ve chosen, I hesitate. I do understand that I?m afraid of the light, afraid of love. But I don?t really understand why?

We have spoken about the shadows already. The shadows which your mind projects onto the gateway to light. It is the ego which is afraid of its death.

That makes sense, thank you. But at the same time I feel there is more. There is something else that is blocking me. What is it?

Oh, nothing is blocking you. You might say that you are blocking yourself. You are resisting because you are afraid of the unknown. We observe this in many of you, dear one. That you prefer to hold on to the past rather than moving into a bright future. Simply because you are afraid of the unknown. What you know seems more safe and more comfortable. But again, it is your mind which seeks to trick you. It wants you to believe that something far worse might happen if you choose to leave your comfort zone. We assure you, dear one, that every step you take with faith will take you closer to the divine source. You are centered in the source in this very moment, when you leap into the unknown with faith.

In my particular situation, I believe I?m not just holding on to the past, but I?m trying to stay safe in the present moment. Which I know is fluid, as it constantly renews and transforms itself. But it feels safer to remain where I am right now, knowing that all is well and if I don?t take action, I can?t destroy anything. But at the same time, I feel this strong urge to move forward. The comfort zone we spoke about becomes uncomfortable very quickly. So I?m facing this inner conflict. Not sure what to do. Whether to wait or to take action.

Dear one, we see how your mind makes the situation so much more complicated than it truly needs to be. It is not complicated at all. It is simplicity which will bring you forward with most ease. Yes, action steps may be required. But they come from within. When you are centered in your place of peace within, you will receive the impulse to take action, and then, do not hesitate. Take action immediately, and you will remain in the flow. If you hesitate, however, the flow of energy becomes stagnant, and you will experience discomfort. In these situations, we recommend that you do not hold on to your original plans too much. Even if you felt an impulse to take action earlier and you did not take action in the given moment, remember that everything changes, and you may receive new impulses which will guide you to take a different action step. Keep an open mind, and be willing to flow with the change.

Also, always remember that your focus is what determines the outcome of your action steps. Focus on love, and this is what you will experience. When you are trapped in fear, your actions may have different results, even though the action itself appears to be the same.

I would like to move beyond the fear of taking the right action steps in the right moment. What can I do to find more courage in these situations? To simply do what I feel guided to do rather than hesitating?

You can find courage within. Courage comes from within your heart. And when you go within, you will quickly find that the question you just asked becomes obsolete. There will be no resistance. It is simply when you focus on the world outside of yourself too much that you become distracted. This will manifest as the experience of being very busy. And the mind will find ways to create even more work for you. You will then begin to run and rush forward even more, afraid that you might run out of time if you do not complete all given tasks at a certain speed. But you know this already: That time behaves like a paradox in your world. Slow down, and you will find peace. All the tasks which were keeping your mind busy will not matter anymore. Simplicity! Simplicity is an important keyword for you now. Return to what is simple. Focus on the basics, and you will walk forward gently and easily. And it will be a joyful path.

Even when I set the intention to rest, it tends to be difficult for me to really become still. It seems impossible to just sit there and do nothing for an hour. How can I overcome this?

Again, it is your mind which keeps you busy. You are afraid of what you might find when you let yourself fall into the stillness. And yes, you might unlock a treasure of deep feelings. But remember that these feelings are not your enemies. They are an expression of yourself, of your own truth. Resistance causes pain. If you allow, you will feel what you feel, but you will easily flow through and with the feelings, and they will cleanse you, and soon you will be new and refreshed and joyful like a child again.

We would like to remind you, dear one, that as long as you listen to your mind?s impulses to keep you occupied with many tasks, you will not find peace, and you will not find the door to the manifestation of what you have asked for. It is very important now that you listen to the guidance which you receive from within and from your physical body. Take time to rest, and you will easily learn the lesson. You will no longer run away from diving into the feelings, into what you perceive as dark when you look from outside of yourself, you will find the answers which you are looking for, and the key will be given to you. The key to greater love and to the expansion of your consciousness. It is the door to the new world which you will be able to unlock with this key.

I do understand that these feelings contain messages for me. But at the same time they seem to keep me from taking the action steps I felt guided to take earlier today. When I feel sad, I don?t really want to talk to anyone because I don?t want to bother them.

When you received the impulse to take action, did you truly feel sad? You were in a state of inspiration and joy. It was your hesitation and your resistance which caused the experience of suffering later on. It is the stagnation which we spoke about. This is the message which your feelings have for you. That you have chosen to keep yourself busy with what was not truly inspired from within your heart and from the essence of spirit, instead of following the action steps which were given to you earlier. Allow yourself to feel these feelings. Express them in whatever way seems appropriate. Either through your emotions or through creative writing or speaking to a friend. Expressing yourself will put you back into the flow, and soon you will feel lighter and more joyful again.

Communication is another keyword. I?m dealing with huge communication blocks right now. It affects both the channeling and my interactions with my loved ones. What can I do to remove this block?

Oh, it is what you recommended to your viewers in your video. Speak words of love. Consciously set the intention to bless your beloved ones with words of love. Do you feel how your vibration changes immediately as you focus on the joy of communicating with love? Instead of focusing on the lack you perceive, the experience of not receiving loving words from others, focus on the possibility of communicating joyfully and lovingly by sending your messages to others.

Yes, I do feel the energy change. I feel inspired all of a sudden. A huge weight is being lifted off me once more.

Whenever you hesitate to contact one of your loved ones, remember this feeling of joyful inspiration. Instead of being afraid of what might go wrong when you communicate with this person, ask: How much love could we exchange today if we were completely open to it? What miracles could happen if we began to communicate right now? Again, notice how your vibration changes as you hear our words.

Yes, I see what you mean. Asking such questions will put me into a state of joyful expectations instead of expecting the worst.

Yes, when you ask questions, you open up. You become receptive to the energy of love. And as we have explained to you before, communication IS love. Whenever you experience a lack of communication or a situation in which communication feels uncomfortable, you experience a lack of love at the same time. Whenever you experience a lack of love, communication will not flow naturally and with ease. Once you look past the illusion, once you choose to see love, the love that is always present, you will be able to communicate easily and without effort.

In your world, communication confuses many of you. Many of you who have come to planet Earth as lightworkers still remember very well how you were able to communicate telepathically in other worlds. Telepathic communication is much easier, as it happens naturally. In the higher dimensions, you will never experience a lack of love, therefore there will be no need to hide anything, and there will be no need to shield yourselves from the miscommunications of others. Communication is a form of exchanging light and love, energy and information. It is all the same. And in the higher dimensions this is very easy and joyful. In your world, you continue to communicate telepathically. But you must also ground your communications in the physical realm. Which means that you must communicate using words and your voice or other means of exchanging information. If you communicate only on the higher levels of vibration, you may experience a discord between what takes place in the various dimensions, and again, this will create confusion and discomfort.

However, we would also like to say that as you are moving upwards on the path of ascension, as the veils of illusion begin to fall away, telepathic communication is becoming increasingly powerful. To many of you we indeed recommend practicing telepathic communication more consciously, as you are now returning to this natural state, and remembering the natural language which unites you all. It is the language of light and love, which is universal and comprehensible to all beings who live in this universe. You have simply forgotten how to speak and understand it, but the ultimate truth is that you have never forgotten. Again, it is your mind which distracts you from hearing and speaking the truth. As you bring your awareness to the higher dimensions, as you reawaken to the truth of who you are, remembering that you are beings of great light and intimately connected to spirit, you will naturally begin to communicate telepathically again. And you will do so consciously, not just subconsciously as you do even when you are unaware.

We simply ask you to direct your telepathic communications more consciously and with more awareness. When you are not aware, you will send out messages that may indeed vibrate at third-dimensional frequencies. Whenever you experience a lack of communication with certain individuals, you may contact them telepathically. However, it is important that you set the intention to bring healing and to return to the experience of love, light and unity, and then communicate from within this state of consciousness. As you continue to align yourself with spirit and with the essence of love, you will find that the lack of communication which you have experienced in the lower dimensions will miraculously transform itself into a very rewarding flow of communication. When you are centered in unity consciousness and unconditional love, the worlds begin to merge. Simply as a result of being aware that all is one, that the worlds are one, and that there is no difference between the higher dimensions and what you call the lower dimensions. There is no more difference between telepathic communication and verbal communication. There will simply be the flow and infinite exchange of divine love.

We now recommend the following to you: When you wake up tomorrow morning, remind yourself of this conversation. And then ask: How can I experience the most enjoyable and rewarding exchange of communication and love today? Then, act upon the inspiration that flows from there. You may also begin right now. Whenever you feel the impulse to speak words of love, just do it. Do not hesitate. Communicate with ease and joy, and you will immediately be in the flow of giving and receiving, eternal and infinite exchange of love and light.

Thank you, my beautiful guides. Let me begin with you! I love you so much! Thank you so much for your love, for your words and your support. Ahhh, my heart feels so open and so much lighter now. Thank you!

Thank you, sweetheart, for receiving our messages and for passing them on to your brothers and sisters.

Source: http://www.elvenmagic.net/moving-beyond-the-busy-mind-communication-love-and-telepathy/

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