Tuesday 31 July 2012

HOME IMPROVEMENT ? The Use of Heat Exchanger for Industrial ...

July 31st, 2012

In many industries, it is common to see heat exchanger device to be used on the system. Heat exchanger itself is equipment that used to transfer heat from one place to another. This equipment is widely used for space heating, power plants, refineries and many others. In more casual method, this equipment is also used in daily appliances like refrigerator or air conditioning. Simpler example of heat transfer concept is on the automotive engine. The heat of the engine is transferred using fluids to the radiator. Later, the heat will be released and cooler intake will be brought inside. If the main focus is on the industrial heat exchange, people can visit brazetek.com for the occasion. There, they can find more info about heat exchange that is used on the industrial. They provide various heat exchange equipment on the catalogue that can be used in many industrial needs. For example, you can find brazetek plate heat exchanger that brings various features that will full benefit for the industry. The equipment offers large option in size and model that make the user become more flexible in choosing the equipment. It is also compact in design. This make the industry does not need to provide too much space for the equipment. Other than that, this equipment also offers corrosion resistance, easy installation and other features that make this heat exchanger one of the best equipment in the list.

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Source: http://patmarino.net/2012/07/31/the-use-of-heat-exchanger-for-industrial-needs/

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Offshore use of vertical-axis wind turbines gets closer look

ScienceDaily (July 30, 2012) ? Sandia National Laboratories' wind energy researchers are re-evaluating vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) to help solve some of the problems of generating energy from offshore breezes.

Though VAWTs have been around since the earliest days of wind energy research at Sandia and elsewhere, VAWT architecture could transform offshore wind technology.

The economics of offshore windpower are different from land-based turbines, due to installation and operational challenges. VAWTs offer three big advantages that could reduce the cost of wind energy: a lower turbine center of gravity; reduced machine complexity; and better scalability to very large sizes.

A lower center of gravity means improved stability afloat and lower gravitational fatigue loads.

Additionally, the drivetrain on a VAWT is at or near the surface, potentially making maintenance easier and less time-consuming. Fewer parts, lower fatigue loads and simpler maintenance all lead to reduced maintenance costs.

Elegant in their simplicity

Sandia is conducting the research under a 2011 Department of Energy (DOE) solicitation for advanced rotor technologies for U.S. offshore windpower generation. The five-year, $4.1 million project began in January of this year.

Wind Energy Technologies manager Dave Minster said Sandia's wind energy program is aimed at addressing the national energy challenge of increasing the use of low-carbon power generation.

"VAWTs are elegant in terms of their mechanical simplicity," said Josh Paquette, one of Sandia's two principal investigators on the project. "They have fewer parts because they don't need a control system to point them toward the blowing wind to generate power."

These characteristics fit the design constraints for offshore wind: the high cost of support structures; the need for simple, reliable designs; and economic scales that demand larger machines than current land-based designs.

Large offshore VAWT blades in excess of 300 meters will cost more to produce than blades for onshore wind turbines. But as the machines and their foundations get bigger -- closer to the 10-20 megawatt (MW) scale -- turbines and rotors become a much smaller percentage of the overall system cost for offshore turbines, so other benefits of the VAWT architecture could more than offset the increased rotor cost.

Challenges remain

However, challenges remain before VAWTs can be used for large-scale offshore power generation.

Curved VAWT blades are complex, making manufacture difficult. Producing very long VAWT blades demands innovative engineering solutions. Matt Barone, the project's other principal investigator, said partners Iowa State University and TPI Composites will explore new techniques to enable manufacture of geometrically complex VAWT blade shapes at an unprecedented scale, but at acceptable cost.

VAWT blades must also overcome problems with cyclic loading on the drivetrain. Unlike horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs), which maintain a steady torque if the wind remains steady, VAWTs have two "pulses" of torque and power for each blade, based on whether the blade is in the upwind or downwind position. This "torque ripple" results in unsteady loading, which can lead to drivetrain fatigue. The project will evaluate new rotor designs that smooth out the amplitude of these torque oscillations without significantly increasing rotor cost.

Because first-generation VAWT development ended decades ago, updated designs must incorporate decades of research and development already built into current HAWT designs. Reinvigorating VAWT research means figuring out the models that will help speed up turbine design work.

"Underpinning this research effort will be a tool development effort that will synthesize and enhance existing aerodynamic and structural dynamic codes to create a publicly available aeroelastic design tool for VAWTs," Barone said.

Needed: aerodynamic braking

Another challenge is brakes. Older VAWT designs didn't have an aerodynamic braking system, and relied solely on a mechanical braking system that is more difficult to maintain and less reliable than the aerodynamic brakes used on HAWTs.

HAWTS use pitchable blades, which stop the turbine within one or two rotations without damage to the turbine and are based on multiple redundant, fail-safe designs. Barone said new VAWT designs will need robust aerodynamic brakes that are reliable and cost-effective, with a secondary mechanical brake much like on modern-day HAWTs. Unlike HAWT brakes, new VAWT brakes won't have actively pitching blades, which have their own reliability and maintenance issues.

VAWT technology: A long history at Sandia

In the 1970s and 1980s, when wind energy research was in its infancy, VAWTs were actively developed as windpower generators. Although strange looking, they had a lot going for them: They were simpler than their horizontal-axis cousins so they tended to be more reliable. For a while, VAWTs held their own against HAWTs. But then wind turbines scaled up.

"HAWTs emerged as the predominant technology for land-based wind over the past 15 years primarily due to advantages in rotor costs at the 1 to 5 megawatt scale," Paquette said.

In the 1980s, research focused more heavily on HAWT turbines, and many VAWT manufacturers left the business, consigning VAWTs to an "also ran" in the wind energy museum.

But the winds of change have blown VAWTs' way once more.

Sandia is mining the richness of its wind energy history. Wind researchers who were among the original wind energy engineers are going through decades of Sandia research and compiling the lessons learned, as well as identifying some of the key unknowns described at the end of VAWT research at Sandia in the 1990s.

The first phase of the program will take place over two years and will involve creating several concept designs, running those designs through modern modeling software and narrowing those design options down to a single, most-workable design. During this phase, Paquette, Barone and their colleagues will look at all types of aeroelastic rotor designs, including HVAWTs and V-shaped VAWTs. But the early favorite rotor type is the Darrieus design.

In phase two researchers will build the chosen design over three years, eventually testing it against the extreme conditions that a turbine must endure in an offshore environment.

In addition to rotor designs, the project will consider different foundation designs: Early candidates are barge designs, tension-leg platforms and spar buoys.

The project partners will work on many elements.

Another partner, the University of Maine, will develop floating VAWT platform dynamics code and subscale prototype wind/wave basin testing. Iowa State University will develop manufacturing techniques for offshore VAWT blades and subscale wind tunnel testing. TPI Composites will design a proof-of-concept subscale blade and develop a commercialization plan. TU-Delft will work on aeroelastic design and optimization tool development and modeling. Texas A&M University will work on aeroelastic design tool development.

"Ultimately it's all about the cost of energy. All these decisions need to lead to a design that's efficient and economically viable," said Paquette.

Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration. With main facilities in Albuquerque, N.M., and Livermore, Calif., Sandia has major R&D responsibilities in national security, energy and environmental technologies and economic competitiveness.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by DOE/Sandia National Laboratories.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/07/120730204607.htm

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10 Biblical Reasons We Should Appreciate Wine | Intoxicated on Life

If you know me well, you know I make my own beer and wine. If you know me really well, you know I really enjoy a frosty mug of IPA or a nice glass of Malbec.

But on more than one occasion I?ve been asked how I could possibly defend my enjoyment of alcohol being a Christian.

I believe the more we embrace a Biblical worldview, the more we will learn to appreciate the good gifts God has given to us, and that includes wine.

I also understand there are some who believe differently than me in this matter. It is not my point here to ?quarrel over opinions? (Romans 14:1). Food and drink are not central matters when it comes to gospel-living. As Paul said, ?The kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit? (v.17).

My only point here is to share with you some of what I?ve learned from God?s Word that has informed my opinions about alcohol. Why do I think it is biblical to appreciate wine?

What I?m Not Saying?

1. I?m not saying we should all drink wine (or even like the taste of it). I believe the Bible speaks of wine as a blessing, just like food is a blessing, but that does not mean that we are obligated to enjoy wine personally.

2. I?m not saying we should appreciate the abuse of alcohol. Everywhere the Bible speaks negatively of drunkenness. Examples of this are abundant.

Rebellious children who lived lives of gluttony and drunkenness were commanded to be stoned in ancient Israel (Deuteronomy 21:20). Drunkenness is one of the reasons why Israel and Judah went into exile (Isaiah 5:11-12,22; Hosea 4:10-11; Amos 6:4-7). As such, fathers counseled their children, ?Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler,? because no one who is led astray by alcohol becomes wise (Proverbs 20:1).

Proverbs 23:29-35 vividly paints the life an alcoholic. Such people linger over their glass of sparkling red wine and relish in it as it goes down smoothly, but in the end it stings them (v.31-32). Such people have woe, sorrow, strife, are always complaining, and are always hurting themselves (v.29). In their drunkenness their eyes see strange things and their hearts think perverse thoughts (v.33). They stumble and pass out like men who have been struck down, but then they dream of waking so they can have another drink (v.34-35).

The apostle Peter described the ?flood of debauchery? that is typical among the pagan nations? ?sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry??and he urges his Christian readers to no longer live for these human passions but for the will of God (1 Peter 4:1-5). Paul commands his readers to be filled with the Spirit rather than being ?drunk with wine.? This he calls a life of ?debauchery,? meaning depravity, licentiousness, decadence, and wastefulness (Ephesians 5:18).

3. I?m not saying there aren?t times to wisely abstain from drinking altogether. There are many examples of people in the Scriptures who abstained from alcohol for specific reasons.

  • Priests who served in God?s tabernacle were forbidden from drinking any wine or strong drink prior to their priestly duties (Leviticus 10:9; Ezekiel 44:21).
  • Nazarites were men who took a special vow of service to God, and these men were commanded to separated themselves from wine (Numbers 6:3,20; Amos 2:12).
  • In the Old Testament, Kings and princes were told to stay away from wine or strong drink so they wouldn?t pervert justice (Proverbs 31:4).
  • The prophet Daniel, even though it was his custom to drink wine (Daniel 10:3), chose not to drink the king?s wine when he was preparing for service in the king?s court in Babylon (Daniel 1:16).
  • While Jesus was dying an excruciating death on the cross, He was offered wine mixed with myrrh. Tradition tells us that respected women of Jerusalem supplied this wine as a narcotic to criminals being crucified. Jesus refused this wine (Matthew 27:34; Mark 15:23) choosing to endure with full consciousness the pain of the cross.
  • Paul speaks of abstaining from wine if drinking wine if it grieves another brother in Christ or causes him to stumble (Romans 14:15,21).

What I Am Saying?

What I am talking about is attitude. When you think of a glass of wine, or for that matter, vats of wine overflowing, do you count such a thing as a blessing? When you think about the calm, relaxation, and contentment one feels after enjoying a glass or two of good wine, do you praise God for this good gift? Do you believe you can drink wine in honor of the Lord and to His glory (Romans 14:6; 1 Corinthians 10:31)?

A Note on Alcoholic Content

There is no shortage of materials available trying to answer the question about the alcoholic content of wine mentioned in the Bible. Some take the position that any time wine is praised in the Scriptures, it must be talking about the non-alcoholic variety (i.e. grape juice). I take serious issue with this for several reasons, but space doesn?t permit me to go into it here.

I refer my readers to the fine paper written by Kenneth Gentry, Jr., ?The Bible and the Question of Alcoholic Beverages? (pdf), published in Criswell Theological Review in the Spring of 2008. In this article he sets out to prove, among other things, that ?the wine of the Bible was a fermented quality, alcoholic-content, potentially inebriating beverage.?

10 Biblical Reasons We Should Appreciate Wine

1. Wine was a blessing from God for wise and obedient living.

Proverbs 3:9-10 states that when we honor the Lord with our wealth and with the firstfruits of our land, ?then your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will be bursting with wine.? Repeatedly wine is listed among the abundant blessings God promises to Israel if they keep His covenant (Deuteronomy 7:13; 11:14; 33:28).

2. The loss of wine was evidence of God?s curse.

Moses warned God?s people that if they disobeyed the voice of the Lord, many curses would overtake them. They would work in their vineyards but never taste the wine (Deuteronomy 28:39). Foreign nations would rob them of their crops, including their vineyards (v.51). On several occasion God dries up the wine of his disobedient people (Hosea 9:2; Joel 1:10; Amos 5:11; Micah 6:15; Zephaniah 1:13; Hagai 1:11). Twice God curses the land of Moab drying up their winepresses (Isaiah 16:10; Jeremiah 48:33).

3. Wine was an acceptable sacrifice to give to God.

Wine and other intoxicating drinks were poured over sacrificial offerings on the altar as drink offerings (Exodus 29:40; Leviticus 23:13; Numbers 15:5,7,10 18:12; 28:7,14; Deuteronomy 18:4; 1 Samuel 1:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5; Ezra 6:9; 7:22; Nehemiah 5:11; 10:37,39; 13:12). Even the Levites received wine for themselves from the tithes of given by worshipers (Numbers 18:30).

4. God gives us wine to settle our stomachs.

Paul counsels his son in the faith, Timothy, ?No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments? (1 Timothy 5:23). This home-remedy for poor digestion has actually been confirmed by modern studies. Fermented drinks like beer, sherry, or wine are powerful stimulants of gastric acid secretion, and can even speed up the emptying of the stomach. Red wine also contain polyphenols that trigger the release of nitric oxide which relaxes the stomach wall, thus optimizing digestion.

5. God gives us wine to lighten our hearts.

Wine ?cheers God and men? (Judges 9:13). The psalmist praises God for his provision: ?You cause the grass to grow for the livestock?and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth?and wine to gladden the heart of man, oil to make his face shine?and bread to strengthen man?s heart? (Psalm 104:14-15).

6. Abundant wine is one of the blessings of the age to come.

On the day God swallows up death forever and wipes away every tear, the Lord ?will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wine, of rich food full of marrow, or aged wine will refined? (Isaiah 24:6). On that day God will again be God to all the clans of Israel, He will restore their fortunes, ?they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine? (Amos 9:14), ?they shall be radiant over the goodness of the Lord, over the grain, the wine, and the oil? (Jeremiah 31:12). God promises to restore to Israel the years that the swarming locust has eaten: the threshing floors will be full of grain and ?the vats shall overflow with wine and oil? (Joel 2:24-25).

7. God invites His people to celebrate in His presence by drinking wine.

Year after year the Lord?s people brought a tithe of their crops to Jerusalem. There, where God made his name to dwell, He said they should eat the tithe of their grain, oil, meat, and even their wine. This regular feast in God?s holy presence was instituted so that they might ?learn to fear the Lord your God always? (Deuteronomy 14:23).

Others had a longer journey to Jerusalem so they sold their crops, took the money with them, and purchased goods for the feast when they arrived. Listen to the very liberal and celebratory words God speaks to them: ?spend the money for whatever you desire?oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink, whatever your appetite craves. And you shall eat there before the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household? (Deuteronomy 14:26). Whatever you desire, whatever you prefer, even if it is wine or strong drink, buy it and bring it to the worship feast. (This is the same word translated ?covet? in the tenth commandment in Deuteronomy 5:21.)

God says the same thing about the age to come. In that day, Israel?s oppressors will never rob them of grain or wine again, ?but those who garner it shall eat it?and praise the Lord, and those who gather it shall drink it?in the courts of my sanctuary? (Isaiah 62:9).

8. Wine can be very appropriate for celebrations.

The bride who sings in the Song of Solomon says, ?He brought me to the banqueting house,? (or literally translated, his ?house of wine?), ?and his banner over me is love? (Song of Solomon 2:4). In Hebrew tradition, wine was very popular at weddings. We see this in the wedding feast Jesus attends in Cana. There, for His first miracle, Jesus miraculously produced more than one hundred and twenty gallons of fine wine for the wedding feast (John 2:6-11).

That day at the wedding in Cana, before the festivities began, the groom?s father would likely have held high a cup of fine wine and spoke a cheerful blessing over the new couple. When Jesus multiplied that wine in Cana, He was, in effect, multiplying that blessing of joy and happiness for the bride and groom.

9. Jesus banqueted with wine to demonstrate the joy of the nearness of the kingdom of God.

One of the marks of Jesus? ministry was table fellowship. Jesus is often found eating in other?s homes or hosting meals. These instances of table fellowship left a deep mark on those who observed them or participated in them. These were not merely times to share food, but were platforms for Jesus to challenge social norms and make profound theological statements about himself and the kingdom of God.

What were these moments of table fellowship like? The Gospel of Luke offers us many glimpses. These were far from casual meals. Repentant sinners impacted by Jesus? message would hold great feasts, and together Jesus and his disciples would recline with tax collectors and other notorious individuals (Luke 5:29). Jesus would even host his own banquets (Luke 15:2). These joyful feasts were settings where Jesus would call sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32), where men publicly turned from sin (Luke 19:1-9), and where Jesus spoke of the joy of the angels when even one sinner repents (Luke 15:7,10). The meals might even be interrupted with sobering moments of remorseful weeping as Jesus declared sinners forgiven (Luke 7:48). Some were miraculously healed (Luke 14:4). During these times, eager listeners would sit at His feet to listen (Luke 10:39). He would rebuke hypocrisy and empty religion (Luke 11:37-52), teach about genuine humility and honor (Luke 14:7-11), and challenged the social norms that divided rich and poor (Luke 14:12-14).

And yes, these would be feasts?often feasts accompanied with wine?and yes, Jesus drank. ?John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine,? Jesus told the crowds. But ?the Son of Man has come eating and drinking ? (Luke 7:33-34). Many scholars believe John the Baptist was a Nazarite from birth. The angel Gabriel told John?s father, ?he must not drink wine or strong drink? (Luke 1:15). John was a man of the wilderness; he and his disciples would often fast (Matthew 9:14; Mark 1:6). But Jesus, by contrast, was known for his joyful feasting, so much so He even gained the unjust reputation of ?a glutton and a drunkard? from his critics (Luke 7:34).

On the heels of the banquet at Levi?s home, Jesus asked the questioning Pharisees and scribes, ?Can you make wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them?? (Luke 5:34). The bridegroom of God?s people had come. The kingdom of God was at hand. This was no time for mourning, but celebration.

10. Jesus chose wine to represent his blood.

During Jesus? last Passover meal, several cups of wine were shared among the disciples (Luke 22:17-18,20). Right after the meal, Jesus picked up cup of wine, gave a word of thanks to His Father, and then said, ?Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father?s kingdom? (Matthew? 26:27-29). Paul called this cup of wine ?the cup of blessing? (1 Corinthians 10:16) and ?the cup of the Lord? (v.22).

By faith in His blood, Jesus is our atonement (Romans 3:25). By drinking His blood we have eternal life (John 6:53). By His blood we are justified in God?s sight (Romans 5:9), we have peace with God (Colossians 1:20), we are redeemed and made God?s own (Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14; Revelation 5:9), brought near to Him (Ephesians 2:13), ransomed from our futile ways (1 Peter 1:18-19), cleansed of all sin (1 John 1:7; Revelation 1:5), and sanctified (Hebrews 13:12). By His blood our consciences are cleansed (Hebrews 9:14) so we can have the boldness to draw near to God in the Holiest Place (Hebrews 10:19).

And of all the things Jesus chose to represent his blood to us, he used wine.

Source: http://intoxicatedonlife.com/2012/07/30/10-biblical-reasons-we-should-appreciate-wine/

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Monday 30 July 2012

Canon LV-7292M

The Canon LV-7292M is an LCD-based projector that provides decent data and good video image quality for a small business, and is fairly portable as well. It has a relatively low price, and low brightness for its class. It's a reasonable choice, though it brings nothing that makes it stand apart from similar machines.

The LV-7292M has native XGA resolution (1,024 by 768 pixels), a 4:3 aspect ratio suitable for most business presentations. It has a rated brightness of 2,200 lumens, low by today's standards where most similar projectors have a brightness of around 3,000 lumens. Its 500:1 contrast ratio is unusually low, which may explain one quirk that I discuss in the section on data image quality.

The silver and dark gray LV-7292M measures 3.9 by 13.0 by 9.6 inches, and weighs 6.5 pounds, so it's reasonably portable, although it lacks a carrying case. Behind the lens are the (reasonably responsive) focus wheel, and a zoom wheel with a 1.2x zoom.

The LV-7292M has a modest selection of ports for a portable projector: a VGA port (which triples as a component video and S-video input); 3 RCA jacks for composite audio/video; HDMI, RS232; audio-out, and a microphone jack.


I tested the LV-7292M at about 8 feet away from our 6-feet-diagonal test screen, at which distance the projector's image filled the screen. The image was fine when the room was in darkness; it was still quite usable though a little weak when ambient light was added.

The LV-7292M's data image quality is suitable for typical business uses, though you might not want to use it in situations that demand exacting color. Text was readable down to the smallest sizes. I did notice some tinting; white backgrounds sometimes appeared with a slight yellow tinge, and some grays looked a bit greenish. Also, I noticed some yellow or blue fringing where bright and dark areas meet. The tinting was reduced somewhat by switching from Standard Mode to Presentation Mode; it was even less of an issue when I changed from a VGA to an HDMI connection. However, switching to HDMI notably reduced the projector's ability to distinguish between very dark, similar shades, and between very light shades as well. (Perhaps this was due to the projector's low contrast ratio.)

Video quality was reasonably good for a data projector, suitable for showing short to mid-length clips as part of a presentation. As an LCD-based projector, the LV-7292M is immune from the rainbow effect?little red-green-blue rainbow-like artifacts that appear with moving images or when one moves one's head?that is a frequent problem with DLP projectors, particularly with video.

As is not unusual with a portable projector in its class, the 1-watt built-in speaker provides rather feeble audio, useful only in a small room or when one is very close to the projector; you may want to use external speakers with it.

The Canon LV-7292's data and video image quality is suitable for typical business needs. This low-priced projector gets the job done, though it brings nothing special to the table. Canon sees it for general use in small or home offices, and it's certainly adequate for that role.

At 2,200 rated lumens, it is of modest brightness compared with its peers. Even the Editors' Choice Epson PowerLite 93+, at 2,600 rated lumens, is of lower brightness than most mainstream XGA projectors, but it provides high-quality data images, good video quality, and a good sound system at a low price. The NEC Display Solutions NP-V300X is brighter at 3,000 lumens and provides great data image quality, but it's a bit more expensive, and as a DLP projector its video quality is impacted by the rainbow effect.

More Projector Reviews:

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/UpuMpF1ZYhU/0,2817,2407748,00.asp

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Raising Two Little Reds: Plastic Surgery

Are you for or against people getting plastic surgery?

Would you ever get anything done?

I am in desperate need of boobs. ?Yep, I said it. ?The evidence is here:

I'm surprised that bathing suit even stays up without the strap. ?Well, it kind of had to because Annika ran off with the strap one day calling it a necklace and now it's gone forever.

Anyway I'm starting to research doctors and save up the money for implants. ?I would like to pay cash because the thought of paying interest on implants seems dumb to me. ?Plus if I pay cash up front I'm more likely to pay less than if I try to finance or pay with a credit card. ?I went to a consult years ago for a local doctor but didn't like his portfolio, I'll probably go up to Tampa since that area seems to have better plastic?surgeons.

I've never really had boobs, I've always been a 32A. ?After Annika my 32A's from the women's bra section got a little loose so one of my friends at work told me about the bras in the kids section at Target. ?I've been wearing those ever since (and yes, one of them has glitter on it...). ?My issue now is that the 32A is pretty much the smallest size I've found and now after having Annabel it is loose. ?Well, it's not really loose it totally doesn't fit. ?My boobs are sort of floating around in it, the small about of boob tissue I do happen to have.

So that's my story and I'm sure I'll blogging about the entire thing. ?Most doctors make you wait an entire year after having a baby so I won't even go to a consult until at least early January. ?I will not be getting LARGE boobs either, I'm thinking C-cup or even a full B. ?I just want to not look like a 12 year old when I wear shirts and bathing suits!

Source: http://raisinglittlered.blogspot.com/2012/07/plastic-surgery.html

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Pieces of Me Scrapbooking & Paper Crafts: Under construction...

Sorry, Readability was unable to parse this page for content.

Source: http://piecesofmepapercrafts.blogspot.com/2012/07/under-construction.html

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Samsung Makes Another Case to Have Apple?s ?Sony Style? Put Before Jury (Ina Fried/AllThingsDigital - Videos)

image: AllThingsDigital - Videos

in a filing on Saturday, Samsung claims Apple tried to delay Samsung learning about the extent of the Sony influence on the iPhone and says the California company shouldn't be rewarded for its delaying tactics.

One of the key debates raging ahead of next week?s big patent trial is whether Samsung will be able to present a jury with evidence that Apple?s iPhone was heavily influenced by Sony.

Samsung has introduced evidence that the iPhone project changed direction based on things that Apple learned from news articles about where Sony was headed.

Apple, meanwhile, argued in a filing last week both that the evidence has already been excluded as well as the fact that it was not presented timely to the court. ...

Source: http://www.techinvestornews.com/Mobile/Mobile-Bloggers/samsung-makes-another-case-to-have-apples-sony-style-put-before-jury

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Saturday 28 July 2012

Team describes protective role of skin microbiota

Friday, July 27, 2012

Although immune cells in the skin protect against harmful organisms, until now, it has not been known if the millions of naturally occurring commensal bacteria in the skin?collectively known as the skin microbiota?also have a beneficial role. Using mouse models, the NIH team observed that commensals contribute to protective immunity by interacting with the immune cells in the skin. Their findings appear online on July 26th in Science.

The investigators colonized germ-free mice (mice bred with no naturally occurring microbes in the gut or skin) with the human skin commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis. The team observed that colonizing the mice with this one species of good bacteria enabled an immune cell in the mouse skin to produce a cell-signaling molecule needed to protect against harmful microbes. The researchers subsequently infected both colonized and non-colonized germ-free mice with a parasite. Mice that were not colonized with the bacteria did not mount an effective immune response to the parasite; mice that were colonized did.

In separate experiments, the team sought to determine if the presence or absence of commensals in the gut played a role in skin immunity. They observed that adding or eliminating beneficial bacteria in the gut did not affect the immune response at the skin. These findings indicate that microbiota found in different tissues?skin, gut, lung?have unique roles at each site and that maintaining good health requires the presence of several different sets of commensal communities.

This study provides new insights into the protective role of skin commensals, and demonstrates that skin health relies on the interaction of commensals and immune cells. Further research is needed, say the authors, to determine whether skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis may be caused or exacerbated by an imbalance of skin commensals and potentially harmful microbes that influence the skin and its immune cells.


NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: http://www.niaid.nih.gov

Thanks to NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 53 time(s).

Source: http://www.labspaces.net/122114/Team_describes_protective_role_of_skin_microbiota

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H&FF Radio - Credit Union National Association

H&FF Radio: Back-to-school advice for college students

WASHINGTON (7/27/12)--Sunday's Home & Family Finance Radio program covers college financial topics, including costs of attendance, prepaid-card options, and access to credit score information.
The show, which you also can hear later via the Internet, features Paul Berry, Washington, D.C., journalist and broadcaster, discussing these topics with special guests:

  • "Cost and Value of College Education." John Buhrmann, financial analyst, Country Financial Services, Bloomington, Ill., discusses college costs and resulting debt.
  • "Prepaid for College?" John Kiernan, CardHub.com, Arlington, Va., shares pros and cons of using prepaid cards to cover college expenses.
  • "Credit Score Ignorance." Gail Cunningham, vice president of membership and public relations, National Foundation for Credit Counseling, Washington, D.C., provides tips for taking advantage of free credit score information.
Home & Family Finance is a resource center for personal finance information at the Credit Union National Association (CUNA). The radio show is sponsored by CO-OP Network, the national credit union ATM network; Cabot Creamery Cooperative, maker of award-winning cheddar; and the Defense Credit Union Council and member credit unions, serving those who serve the country worldwide.
Home & Family Finance airs Sundays at 3 p.m. ET on the Radio America Network. The show also is carried on American Forces Radio Network. The one-hour program devoted to consumer finance issues is brought to you by America's credit unions and their 90 million members, and is presented by CO-OP Network.
CUNA and Radio America are podcasting Home & Family Finance through iTunes, Podcast Alley, Odeo, and other popular podcast library sites, as well as on Radio America and CUNA's websites.
For more information, read "Accurate Credit Report Does You Good" and "Private Student Loans Can Help Fill the Gap," and watch the "Getting a Student Loan" and "Build Your Best Credit Score" videos in the Home & Family Finance Resource Center. NCUAEqual Housing Opportunity

? Home & Family Finance? Resource Center
? Copyright ? 1997-2012 - Credit Union National Association Inc.

Source: http://hffo.cuna.org/11270/article/3585/html

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Friday 27 July 2012

Phoenix Roofing Installation Contractor S&R Roofing Announces ...

In a report released in June 2012 titled, ?How Consumers Hire Home Improvement Contractors in the Digital Age?? BuildZoom asked respondents, ?What methods do you use when trying to find a home improvement contractor? Thirty percent answered ?Google? compared to eighteen percent who used the Yellow Pages.

Source: http://aqimprovements.com/home/news/phoenix-roofing-installation-contractor-sr-roofing-announces-launch-of-company-website/

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Seo Tips For Beginner Web Entrepreneurs

The Internet is a extremely efficient medium for earning cash utilizing approaches by no means even dreamed of before its inception. As soon as broadband know-how made it viable for small companies to compete on a virtually equal footing with big firms, all sorts of alternatives arose in areas like article advertising and marketing, website promoting, and search engine optimization.
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Recent advances within the calculations underlying serps known as crawlers are actually able to distinguish real hyperlinks from pretend ones. The web optimization technique needs to adapt to this change. One choice to overcome this is to join a pool of sites.
If you want to make articles quicker to your site you are able to do that by becoming an associate of an article swapping pool. When you do that you will be able to post articles written by different folks which are associates in your internet site. You possibly can change the articles for better search engine marketing results. Al do it?s essential customize the articles it?s much sooner than to write down them in your own.
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Source: http://www.genesiswebsitemarketing.com/seo-tips-for-amateur-internet-marketers/

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Wednesday 25 July 2012

World Travel Market business deals jump 16 percent WTM Speed ...

WTM Speed Networking Monday to focus on driving business deals

Image via wtmlondon.com

Jul 24, 2012

World Travel Market, the leading global event for the travel industry, is introducing an extra Speed Networking event following the phenomenal success of the concept over the past three events.

Speed Networking was introduced at WTM 2009 and led to an increase in the amount of business WTM generates for the travel and tourism industry, culminating in WTM 2011 being responsible for ?1,653 million in travel industry deals ? a 16 percent increase on the previous event.

More than 200 (204) buyers and 438 exhibitors took part in the Speed Networking on the Monday morning of WTM 2011. The event took place before the exhibition opened to give exhibitors and buyers from the WTM Meridian Club even more time to discuss and conclude business deals.

Furthermore, the WTM Meridian Club Networking Breakfast was introduced on the final morning at WTM 2011 to give buyers and exhibitors an informal opportunity to discuss business deals with new contacts.

For WTM 2012, the WTM Meridian Club Networking Breakfast will be followed by the WTM Speed Networking Thursday event, for discussion about further business opportunities beyond WTM.

WTM Speed Networking Monday will focus on driving business deals during the four days of WTM.

Reed Travel Exhibitions Director World Travel Market Simon Press said: ?WTM Speed Networking has been a great success since it was introduced in 2010. Both exhibitors and WTM Meridian Club buyers have really embraced the concept of quick initial business meetings to discover if there is an opportunity for further detailed discussions.

?World Travel Market?s purpose is to facilitate business deals between exhibitors and buyers, and the expansion of the WTM Speed Networking program can only lead to WTM generating even more industry deals.?

Source: http://www.eturbonews.com/30303/wtm-speed-networking-monday-focus-driving-business-deals

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Tuesday 24 July 2012

Moving Beyond the Busy Mind, Communication, Love and Telepathy ...

July 22nd, 2012 | Leave a comment

This is the written transcript of a conversation I had with my guides tonight. Asking more questions about how to surrender to the flow that takes us back to source. Also discussing the importance of communication in relationships and how to remove communication blocks. Towards the end, my guides also shared some more general information about telepathy and the reawakening of our telepathic communication skills as we move forward on the path of ascension.

Dear angels, I would like to move forward on the path of love. Surrender to the flow that takes me to the divine heart, as you described in our last channeling session. I?m experiencing more pain and loneliness now. Can you explain this to me?

You would like to know why, dear one. And we understand that the path that many of you have chosen is not an easy one. However, rest assured that you are heading towards the light, and that you are close indeed. It is simply your mind which seeks to distract you. The ego is afraid of its death, as we explained in some of our previous sessions.

Do you notice how your mind attempts to keep you busy with mundane tasks? Yes, there is a time for action, dear one. But your path could be so much easier if you allowed it to be. It is the struggle which we described. The fear of the light, which is in truth the fear of being outcast again. However, remember that the loss of your home is always merely an illusion. Do not fear. Walk forward with faith. Let go now. Just let go. Let the flow carry you, and wash you gently. There is nothing to fear. And in truth, you are close to the light, so close. All that is required is a bit more faith.

I believe I know where I want to go, but at the same time I resist. Whenever I get the chance to take an action step in the direction I?ve chosen, I hesitate. I do understand that I?m afraid of the light, afraid of love. But I don?t really understand why?

We have spoken about the shadows already. The shadows which your mind projects onto the gateway to light. It is the ego which is afraid of its death.

That makes sense, thank you. But at the same time I feel there is more. There is something else that is blocking me. What is it?

Oh, nothing is blocking you. You might say that you are blocking yourself. You are resisting because you are afraid of the unknown. We observe this in many of you, dear one. That you prefer to hold on to the past rather than moving into a bright future. Simply because you are afraid of the unknown. What you know seems more safe and more comfortable. But again, it is your mind which seeks to trick you. It wants you to believe that something far worse might happen if you choose to leave your comfort zone. We assure you, dear one, that every step you take with faith will take you closer to the divine source. You are centered in the source in this very moment, when you leap into the unknown with faith.

In my particular situation, I believe I?m not just holding on to the past, but I?m trying to stay safe in the present moment. Which I know is fluid, as it constantly renews and transforms itself. But it feels safer to remain where I am right now, knowing that all is well and if I don?t take action, I can?t destroy anything. But at the same time, I feel this strong urge to move forward. The comfort zone we spoke about becomes uncomfortable very quickly. So I?m facing this inner conflict. Not sure what to do. Whether to wait or to take action.

Dear one, we see how your mind makes the situation so much more complicated than it truly needs to be. It is not complicated at all. It is simplicity which will bring you forward with most ease. Yes, action steps may be required. But they come from within. When you are centered in your place of peace within, you will receive the impulse to take action, and then, do not hesitate. Take action immediately, and you will remain in the flow. If you hesitate, however, the flow of energy becomes stagnant, and you will experience discomfort. In these situations, we recommend that you do not hold on to your original plans too much. Even if you felt an impulse to take action earlier and you did not take action in the given moment, remember that everything changes, and you may receive new impulses which will guide you to take a different action step. Keep an open mind, and be willing to flow with the change.

Also, always remember that your focus is what determines the outcome of your action steps. Focus on love, and this is what you will experience. When you are trapped in fear, your actions may have different results, even though the action itself appears to be the same.

I would like to move beyond the fear of taking the right action steps in the right moment. What can I do to find more courage in these situations? To simply do what I feel guided to do rather than hesitating?

You can find courage within. Courage comes from within your heart. And when you go within, you will quickly find that the question you just asked becomes obsolete. There will be no resistance. It is simply when you focus on the world outside of yourself too much that you become distracted. This will manifest as the experience of being very busy. And the mind will find ways to create even more work for you. You will then begin to run and rush forward even more, afraid that you might run out of time if you do not complete all given tasks at a certain speed. But you know this already: That time behaves like a paradox in your world. Slow down, and you will find peace. All the tasks which were keeping your mind busy will not matter anymore. Simplicity! Simplicity is an important keyword for you now. Return to what is simple. Focus on the basics, and you will walk forward gently and easily. And it will be a joyful path.

Even when I set the intention to rest, it tends to be difficult for me to really become still. It seems impossible to just sit there and do nothing for an hour. How can I overcome this?

Again, it is your mind which keeps you busy. You are afraid of what you might find when you let yourself fall into the stillness. And yes, you might unlock a treasure of deep feelings. But remember that these feelings are not your enemies. They are an expression of yourself, of your own truth. Resistance causes pain. If you allow, you will feel what you feel, but you will easily flow through and with the feelings, and they will cleanse you, and soon you will be new and refreshed and joyful like a child again.

We would like to remind you, dear one, that as long as you listen to your mind?s impulses to keep you occupied with many tasks, you will not find peace, and you will not find the door to the manifestation of what you have asked for. It is very important now that you listen to the guidance which you receive from within and from your physical body. Take time to rest, and you will easily learn the lesson. You will no longer run away from diving into the feelings, into what you perceive as dark when you look from outside of yourself, you will find the answers which you are looking for, and the key will be given to you. The key to greater love and to the expansion of your consciousness. It is the door to the new world which you will be able to unlock with this key.

I do understand that these feelings contain messages for me. But at the same time they seem to keep me from taking the action steps I felt guided to take earlier today. When I feel sad, I don?t really want to talk to anyone because I don?t want to bother them.

When you received the impulse to take action, did you truly feel sad? You were in a state of inspiration and joy. It was your hesitation and your resistance which caused the experience of suffering later on. It is the stagnation which we spoke about. This is the message which your feelings have for you. That you have chosen to keep yourself busy with what was not truly inspired from within your heart and from the essence of spirit, instead of following the action steps which were given to you earlier. Allow yourself to feel these feelings. Express them in whatever way seems appropriate. Either through your emotions or through creative writing or speaking to a friend. Expressing yourself will put you back into the flow, and soon you will feel lighter and more joyful again.

Communication is another keyword. I?m dealing with huge communication blocks right now. It affects both the channeling and my interactions with my loved ones. What can I do to remove this block?

Oh, it is what you recommended to your viewers in your video. Speak words of love. Consciously set the intention to bless your beloved ones with words of love. Do you feel how your vibration changes immediately as you focus on the joy of communicating with love? Instead of focusing on the lack you perceive, the experience of not receiving loving words from others, focus on the possibility of communicating joyfully and lovingly by sending your messages to others.

Yes, I do feel the energy change. I feel inspired all of a sudden. A huge weight is being lifted off me once more.

Whenever you hesitate to contact one of your loved ones, remember this feeling of joyful inspiration. Instead of being afraid of what might go wrong when you communicate with this person, ask: How much love could we exchange today if we were completely open to it? What miracles could happen if we began to communicate right now? Again, notice how your vibration changes as you hear our words.

Yes, I see what you mean. Asking such questions will put me into a state of joyful expectations instead of expecting the worst.

Yes, when you ask questions, you open up. You become receptive to the energy of love. And as we have explained to you before, communication IS love. Whenever you experience a lack of communication or a situation in which communication feels uncomfortable, you experience a lack of love at the same time. Whenever you experience a lack of love, communication will not flow naturally and with ease. Once you look past the illusion, once you choose to see love, the love that is always present, you will be able to communicate easily and without effort.

In your world, communication confuses many of you. Many of you who have come to planet Earth as lightworkers still remember very well how you were able to communicate telepathically in other worlds. Telepathic communication is much easier, as it happens naturally. In the higher dimensions, you will never experience a lack of love, therefore there will be no need to hide anything, and there will be no need to shield yourselves from the miscommunications of others. Communication is a form of exchanging light and love, energy and information. It is all the same. And in the higher dimensions this is very easy and joyful. In your world, you continue to communicate telepathically. But you must also ground your communications in the physical realm. Which means that you must communicate using words and your voice or other means of exchanging information. If you communicate only on the higher levels of vibration, you may experience a discord between what takes place in the various dimensions, and again, this will create confusion and discomfort.

However, we would also like to say that as you are moving upwards on the path of ascension, as the veils of illusion begin to fall away, telepathic communication is becoming increasingly powerful. To many of you we indeed recommend practicing telepathic communication more consciously, as you are now returning to this natural state, and remembering the natural language which unites you all. It is the language of light and love, which is universal and comprehensible to all beings who live in this universe. You have simply forgotten how to speak and understand it, but the ultimate truth is that you have never forgotten. Again, it is your mind which distracts you from hearing and speaking the truth. As you bring your awareness to the higher dimensions, as you reawaken to the truth of who you are, remembering that you are beings of great light and intimately connected to spirit, you will naturally begin to communicate telepathically again. And you will do so consciously, not just subconsciously as you do even when you are unaware.

We simply ask you to direct your telepathic communications more consciously and with more awareness. When you are not aware, you will send out messages that may indeed vibrate at third-dimensional frequencies. Whenever you experience a lack of communication with certain individuals, you may contact them telepathically. However, it is important that you set the intention to bring healing and to return to the experience of love, light and unity, and then communicate from within this state of consciousness. As you continue to align yourself with spirit and with the essence of love, you will find that the lack of communication which you have experienced in the lower dimensions will miraculously transform itself into a very rewarding flow of communication. When you are centered in unity consciousness and unconditional love, the worlds begin to merge. Simply as a result of being aware that all is one, that the worlds are one, and that there is no difference between the higher dimensions and what you call the lower dimensions. There is no more difference between telepathic communication and verbal communication. There will simply be the flow and infinite exchange of divine love.

We now recommend the following to you: When you wake up tomorrow morning, remind yourself of this conversation. And then ask: How can I experience the most enjoyable and rewarding exchange of communication and love today? Then, act upon the inspiration that flows from there. You may also begin right now. Whenever you feel the impulse to speak words of love, just do it. Do not hesitate. Communicate with ease and joy, and you will immediately be in the flow of giving and receiving, eternal and infinite exchange of love and light.

Thank you, my beautiful guides. Let me begin with you! I love you so much! Thank you so much for your love, for your words and your support. Ahhh, my heart feels so open and so much lighter now. Thank you!

Thank you, sweetheart, for receiving our messages and for passing them on to your brothers and sisters.

Source: http://www.elvenmagic.net/moving-beyond-the-busy-mind-communication-love-and-telepathy/

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Main Course | Food and Drink Site - cuimityv's posterous

I have discovered over the years that you have a lot of getaways We couldn?t know existed? One of them can be Country wide Pancake Day time that will based on a couple of sites comes on or around Feb . 28th. In accordance with a single site it really is a complete few days extended, which is dedicated to your complex art work involving pancake design.

In fact Irrrve never already been great at generating hot cakes?. Maybe it?s a innate drawback (my personal mom hasn?t been directly into cooking much sometimes?), or even my very own ambivalence in order to cooking food generally (I am advised I ?eat to live as opposed to stay to be able to eat??) We unavoidably end up getting some quite odd player puffed as well as burnt off semi-circular cds and a kitchen area packed with smoke cigarettes soon after a single rounded with all the frying pan in a make an effort to generate these morning meal goodies thus beloved by owls and larks alike.

A restaurant becomes the actual sanity driven solution. From my personal experience it helps you to save funds, time, the barbecue kitchen, along with excessive rich compost in my utility collection cart from yet another unsuccessful attempt for victory over the alchemy involving turning mixture into (passable) meal. In case a eating place is my own vacation spot, Personally i think a responsibility to use those activities which i never be successful at making on my own in your own home. Chocolates chip pancakes or any other variation on this design would certainly be eligible for a myself? However where to go inside better Seattle location to the best alternative flap-jack?

It is really worth jotting that despite the fact that Washington is not normally famous for the hip and chic take a seat breakfast every day bazaars, it can have got its gemstones here and there. One clear choice with a under cool name is the Unique Pancake Home inside Kirkland. But they usually do not now have chocolate chips hotcakes on the food selection, they certainly incorporate some inventive creativities for the foodstuff group such as a pancake edition from the apple company cake that features a sugar-cinnamon glaze around refreshing gran jones oatmeal almost all prepared to a cozy gooey perfection. Additionally, they function a truly delicious breakfast every day extravagance called The Dutch Newborn such as whipped butter, fruit and powder sugar above a great stove prepared dessert. They?ve additional enticingly known as different versions which include Georgia Pecan, Local, Sausage, Banana, in addition to Grape Hotcakes. Three Little Pigs In Comforters will be on top of my personal listing of congrats with regard to creativeness inside Pancake generation section!

Additional dining places in the San antonio area with somewhat trendier names helping similar honest are The Rusty Pelican which usually really does already have your chocolates computer chip range on the menu, The Meal throughout Ballard which usually serves classic buttermilk or perhaps strawberry hot cakes, and of course the actual International Property involving Hotcakes which includes your chocolates computer chip, a whole new You are able to Cheesecake, and also the Pick Grain ?N Fan selection for your health conscious. Within my investigation, I came across one web site which outlined within the caribbean fresh fruit Durian as a hot cake taste? that one I will keep for your a lot more adventurous eater, even though Let me likely never ever create people in your own home possibly? Bon Apetite!

by?aqui?este endere?o

Source: http://foodndrink.co.cc/main-course-2/

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Source: http://cuimityv.posterous.com/main-course-food-and-drink-site

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Japan govt: economy recovering, tellurian slack a worry

Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:48pm EDT

* Post-quake rebuilding, domestic direct assistance economy

* Some reason to worry about drop in exports

* Govt some-more discreet on abroad mercantile slowdown

TOKYO, Jul 23 (Reuters) ? Japan?s economy is still
recovering, led by strong consumer spending and reconstruction
after final year?s earthquake, though there are signs a slack in
overseas economies is swelling and that poses risks, the
government conspicuous on Monday.

The supervision stranded to a comment of a overall
economy, private expenditure and exports in a monthly economic
report for July, though strengthened a warning about weaker U.S
and Chinese mercantile information as Japan?s exports start to slow.

?The economy is tolerably recuperating helped by
reconstruction demand, nonetheless problems continue to
prevail,? a Cabinet Office conspicuous in a latest report.

The news came after a Bank of Japan also kept its
assessment of a economy though done technical changes to its
money marketplace operations and bond purchasing intrigue to better
funnel income into a economy.

The slack in a United States and China, in further to
Europe?s emperor debt crisis, could import on Japan?s economy
by causing disruptions in financial markets, a Cabinet Office

The supervision left unvaried a comment that exports
are display signs of recovery, though a Cabinet Official told
reporters there is reason to be disturbed as information for a first
half of Jun showed that exports to a United States and Asia
had weakened.

The supervision kept a comment that personal consumption
is rising tolerably as sell sales arise redeem following the
earthquake and as subsidies for energy-efficient cars boost auto

Japan?s economy is still approaching to outperform many other
developed nations this year interjection to plain domestic demand, but
analysts have slashed forecasts for bureau outlay as the
slowdown in a tellurian economy becomes some-more pronounced,
according to a Reuters check progressing this month.

Japan?s economy, a world?s third-largest, is set to grow
2.2 percent in a year to subsequent March, according to a Reuters
poll of economists, somewhat slower than a 2.3 percent pace
seen in a identical consult in June.

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Source: http://financeroll.com/news/22102/japan-govt-economy-recovering-global-slowdown-a-worry

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Monday 23 July 2012

PFT: Broncos to offer Clady $50 million extension

Louis Freeh Discusses Investigation Into Penn State And Sandusky CaseGetty Images

As the NCAA imposes on Penn State an array of penalties that arguably are more punitive and long-lasting than the so-called death penalty, the sanctions trace directly to the report generated by former federal judge and FBI director Louis Freeh.? As a result, some are now wondering whether Penn State wishes it hadn?t hired Freeh to engage in such a comprehensive review of the Jerry Sandusky situation.

In turn, some Saints fans are wondering whether owner Tom Benson may be reconsidering the wisdom of the decision to retain Freeh to conduct a similar review of the allegation that G.M. Mickey Loomis previously had the ability to eavesdrop on opposing coaches.

?Serious allegations have been made about our organization this off-season; we take these allegations very seriously,? team spokesman Greg Bensel told PFT via email on June 8.? ?As a result, we have hired the Freeh Group, founded by former director of the FBI and former federal judge Louis Freeh.? Mr. Benson moved quickly to hire them and has spared no expense to get to the bottom of these allegations.? We have given the Freeh Group complete access to our team and all of the individuals who have been associated with this news story.?

It?s believed that, after examining the wiretapping allegations, the Freeh Group will examine the bounty situation.

But Freeh?s involvement doesn?t mean a report eventually will be generated and released for public consumption.? Penn State is a public entity; the Saints aren?t.

Of course, if we never hear another peep from Freeh when it comes to the Saints, some will conclude (perhaps accurately) that he found information that would be unflattering to the organization and/or one or more of its key employees, if released to the media.

Then again, there?s also a chance that Freeh?s report will be embraced by the Saints, since it could entail a conclusion that, for example, a disgruntled former employee embellished at best or fabricated at worst the wiretapping allegations ? and possibly that ESPN?s John Barr was overly zealous in trying to dig up dirt about the team in the wake of the bounty scandal.

As to the bounty scandal, Freeh?s report possibly could crystallize and explain the semantics-driven dispute between the NFL and the NFLPA regarding the pay-for-performance system.? By all appearances, there was no specific pay-for-injury system ? but there were incentives for applying clean, legal hits in a way that coincidentally caused injury.? A report from Freeh that makes that point and explains the distinction could, given the widespread respect Freeh enjoys, finally spark the much-needed debate as to whether such harsh penalties should apply for giving players a little extra money to do something they?re already paid to do.

In the end, whether the rest of us ever get access to the information generated by Freeh could depend on whether the Saints like ? or don?t like ? the stuff that Freeh discovers.? If, in the end, the Saints choose to release everything, it?s safe to say that Freeh?s findings will be regarded as credible and trustworthy, given the flamethrower he took to Penn State via an investigation that Penn State paid him to conduct.

Source: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/07/22/report-broncos-offer-clady-50-million-extension/related

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How To Get Rid Of Jealousy In A Relationship | MEET WOMAN ...

Is jealousy a sin? Between ladies and men, who do you think are more jealous in a relationship? According to me, jealousy is a relationship disorder. In fact it is a deadly monster that has ruined many relationships. Do you agree with me that this is a deadly monster which has messed up many relationships?

A few months ago, Jack came to me. He was afraid that his wife was having an affair with another man. According to Jack they?d been having issues in their love relationship. Due to these problems, his wife decided to spend more and more time outside their home, definitely with pals as a way of avoiding more problems with Jack.

Jack did not believe that all of the time she was out was spent with her friends. This made Jack to be calling her now and then to inquire if she was still with her friends and precisely where they were. On occasions Jack would cruise around to confirm the truth if she was actually with her friends.

As soon as his wife Janet came home, Jack would give a relentless grilling. Since Janet knew that she wasn?t cheating on him, she would shut him with the truth where she had been all the time. These occurrences continued for sometime but it reached to a point where their communication dried up. A relationship without communication is as well as dead; therefore Jack?s relationship with Janet seemed to be over.

Since then, Jack seemed to be dreadful, sad and had signs of an individual suffering from some kind of stress. He no longer took care of himself and didn?t hang out with pals. This made his friends to wonder what was happening to him.

It is being jealous of his spouse that made him look this way. Jealousy was driving them away from each other. Jack lacked the trust for his spouse and this did not only insult his wife but it also eroded anything good they ever had together.

Now Jack desperately wants to get rid of this bad habit of being jealous. He is very much willing to reconcile with Janet and to trust her always. He has learned his lesson on the right way to build a good relationship with his wife. He never thought that maybe his wife was trying to find out how to plan a surprise birthday party.

Today I guarantee you that no love relationship will last if a partner(s) is jealous. If you are jealous in your relationship, then you will stand to lose your dignity, destroy your self-esteem and of all drive your girlfriend or boyfriend away from you.

Nothing kills a marriage or ruins a relationship quicker than jealousy between partners. This monster literally creates anger, fear, hatred, anger, unnecessary anxiety and loneliness between partners.

To be sincere, no one wants to be in relationship with somebody who is jealous. Therefore, how does one avoid being jealous in your relationship? Below is a little advice.

1.) Always communicate with your partner. Why am I even telling you this? You see when communication breaks down between partners it means that something has changed. Your partner will start to get anxious. He/she may tend to think that you are hiding something. This leads to mistrust and at last jealousy will find room in your relationship.

2.) In your relationship you shouldn?t feel insecure. Partners who feel insecure eventually become jealous. Stop those misleading feelings of fears and paranoia.

3.) You should always trust your partner in order to get rid of jealousy or to avoid it in your relationship.

Calvin Nikenya, the writer of this article, is the leader of the Nikenya team. Visit their site for plenty of information, including details on family reunion vacation packages.

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Source: http://www.softres.com/how-to-meet-women/how-to-get-rid-of-jealousy-in-a-relationship

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An Espresso Coffee Machine Just The Thing That Will Help You ...

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Worried your first mug of coffee for the day starts to lose its edge? Then fear you can forget. These days manufacturers decide to make the espresso machine available to just about anyone who wants one. Creating the right caf? style shot of the black aromatic brew very first thing in the morning has not been easier.

These fancy new machines aren?t anything like your Dad?s old style coffee maker either.

The seniors just don?t manage to understand our modern day fascination with drinking a good espresso. The social forces underlying life today are bringing household accessories like espresso machines for the forefront of our collective minds.

Almost daily there seems to be new international influences showing up in the coffee scene and this, coupled with the widespread acceptance of the local specialty restaurant have all helped people from America, Australia, the United Kingdom, Asia and lots of other countries all over the world to totally embrace the concept of owning an espresso machine.

Life today is focused on the quick fix ? it?s our requirement for instant gratification.

What else is there that provides a quicker fix compared to the punch delivered with a shot of excellent steaming espresso?

Celebrate perfect sense that coffee drinkers want to add an espresso coffee machine to their set of kitchen gadgets all within the name to getting that instant morning heart starter ? you can even justify your thoughts by stating that there is the superior flavor too!

Then make mine a double please!

Is the fact that a double shot you mean? Well some mornings ? yes!

These days the espresso coffee machine is available in almost any style or configuration you may imagine. You can begin with the small, single-cup models and go directly on up to the top end of the range up to the more expensive imports better suited to busy coffee houses than a home kitchen. Really it is simply a matter of how deep your pockets are and the way much spare space you?ve on your kitchen bench.

Technically espresso machines vary from piston operated models offering a ?throw-back? feel of ? old world ? coffee houses completely up to the super dooper automatic models that do everything apart from drink the coffee for you personally ? they may be even self-cleaning ? all in the touch of a button. For our time-starved generation, it?s little wonder that the fastest growing category among the espresso maker offerings will be the fully automatic coffee machine.

Can you just imagine?..in the touch of a button this machine grinds the beans, tamps them, brews the coffee, dumps the leftover grinds and even froths the milk. All that?s left to perform is drink it ? and enjoy that full fresh flavor!

So far as the espresso coffee machine goes, the super-automatic model will be the pinnacle of innovation and it is gaining wide acceptance around the globe for its ease of use and product quality. However, this level of innovation will not come cheaply. To possess one of these ?super? machines you could have to shell out a couple of thousand dollars.

But if you think about it, why worry about price whenever your espresso machine can make so many variations of top quality brew depending on espresso ? all in the mere touch of the little black button?

Are you convinced yet? In the end I suppose it truly depends on simply how much you love your coffee.

Fortunately you don?t need to go out and mortgage the family home in order to own a high quality espresso maker. There?s a good selection of models over the whole spectrum of costs that are greater than capable of making a high quality espresso, cappuccino, latte or flat white within the comfort of your house.

But for the really serious coffee connoisseurs ? a high quality espresso maker is the ideal appliance to offer many years of coffee brewing pleasure.

Source: http://www.articlefeeder.com/blog/food-and-drink/33561-an-espresso-coffee-machine-just-the-thing-that-will-help-you

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