Thursday 28 February 2013

Anonymous Hack Of Bank Of America - Business Insider

Anonymous hackers have released 14 gigabytes of information allegedly related to Bank of America and a web intelligence firm it hired to spy on hackers and social activists last year.

Emails detail how employees of TEKSystems actively watched hacker forums and social media sites for any remotely relevant pieces of "intelligence."

The leak includes a list of more than 10,000 words, phrases, and references ? everything from "jihad" to "keg stand" to "I Wish That I Had Duck Feet" ? that was used to match for entries on forums like anonops and sites including Twitter (including Tweetdeck),?pastebin, Facebook,?and various blogs.

A press release from Par:AnoIA (aka Anonymous Intelligence Agency) states that the data "clearly shows that the research was sloppy, random and valueless."

But the emails include "Daily Cyber Threat Highlights" that list events and stories from all over the world.

And the data dump adds a new element to what is known about public and private entities surveilling protestors of Occupy Wall Street.

We knew that web intelligence firm Ntrepid mapped online relationships between anarchists and the leaders of Occupy. These documents reveal that TEKSystems assembled "intelligence" reports on both Occupy and hackers for (at least) the first 11 months of 2012.

Anonymous insists it was not a hack:

"[T]he data was not acquired by a hack but because it was stored on a misconfigured server and basically open for grabs. Even more alarming, the data was retrieved from an Israeli server in Tel Aviv."

"As a bonus," the hackers released 4.8 gigabytes of data containing the salary information top executives around the world, including Google CEO Eric Schmidt.


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Why Use WordPress for Your Business Website - SEO Tips ...

Since 2003, WordPress dominated the market of blogging software, and is now running for more than 10 years. WordPress has also become the most used content management software of many SEO companies for non-blogging sites.

Many SEO specialists recommend their clients to use WordPress as CMS platform for their websites. Ever wonder why? Keep reading and know the reasons.


User Friendliness ? This CMS is very easy to use and has a direct interface. With WordPress, adding new pages, blog, posts, images and categories on a standard basis is easy. Formatting is greatly reduced because of the simplicity of the technology.

Browser Based and Self-Contained System ? You can login from any internet connected computer and manage your website. Software with HTML editing and using FTP software is not required anymore with WordPress. You can add new pages, posts, format texts; upload media files like images and videos, and other documents without using any additional HTML and FTP software.

WordPress Websites are Easier to get indexed ? The structure of WordPress is very clean, simple and easy to navigate; making it easy for search engines like Google to crawl and index a certain site?s content. You can make meta tags like titles, keywords and descriptions to each page, post and image; this allows search engines to crawl your site easily. Most SEO specialists use SEO plugins to better enhance their SEO services to their clients.

Update designs and template on your own ? You don?t have to wait for your web designer to do little updates to your site. You can control every aspect of your site and can easily make those simple updates yourself with WordPress.

100% Customizable Design ? WordPress is the engine of your website. You can customize the look and feel of the site. This helps your brand shine among others and will give your visitors unique experience.

Built-in and ?ready to go? Blog ? Blogging capabilities are built-in and easy to utilize. You can set RSS/email subscriptions to your blog. You can also set automatically adding of the most recent blog posts to other page within your site.

Many helpful Plugins are available ? There are so many different kinds of Plugins that can help you upgrade your website. Plugins like event calendar, video gallery, Twitter Feed, Facebook Like Box and many more. For SEO specialists, there are lots of SEO plugins available that can help you get indexed on search engines.

Marc Laurenz Garcia

Marc Garcia A.K.A the All-in-one SEO man is an SEO professional, a DVD addict and a food lover with a passion of bringing websites on the 1st page of search engines. He is a master of both on-site and off-site optimization.



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Wednesday 27 February 2013

Swimming in Sperm and Eggs

Sea anemone in Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, during the 2012 spawning season.

Sea anemone in?Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, during the 2012 spawning season

Courtesy of Abby Wood

The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, a narrow band of coral stretching from the Yucatan to northern Honduras, hugs the Belizean coastline like a giant parenthesis. In a few places, the main spine of the reef rises above the surface, forming low islands exposed to the wind and waves of the open sea.

One of these islands, 13 miles offshore, houses the Smithsonian Institution?s Carrie Bow Cay Marine Field Station. When I stepped ashore one sweaty evening, the station had an air of cheerful dereliction. Researchers in bikinis and half-zipped wetsuits circled in and out of the bare-bones laboratories. A hand-lettered wooden sign near the station house entry read ?FREE BEER TOMORROW.?

The evening?s task would be delicate, however, and tension was building. It was three days after the full moon, and some of the corals near Carrie Bow were expected to begin their annual spawn once night fell. A team of aquarists and marine scientists had gathered on the island in hopes of collecting sperm and eggs released into the water by endangered coral species.

If all went well, the scientists would each return home with a supply of coral larvae ready to be raised in captivity?and, perhaps, serve as an insurance policy for the Caribbean?s fast-declining reefs. If not ? well, they were trying not to think about that possibility. When it comes to coral, they know they can?t count on much.

On the sandy back steps of the research station, Mary Hagedorn of the Smithsonian sat in front of a picnic table piled with equipment. ?OK, everyone, let?s rehearse,? she said. She turned to Abby Wood, a professional actor who volunteers in the invertebrate department at the National Zoo. ?So I?m a coral,? Hagedorn said, sticking her hands over her head and laughing. ?You?re going to slip the bag over me ??

Wood, a dark-haired 30-year-old with a big, deep voice?she played Tybalt in an all-female production of Romeo and Juliet?pantomimed what Hagedorn and the aquarists hoped would soon happen in the water.

Divers would hitch the silk bags over a few branches of spawning coral, catching the sperm and egg bundles as they floated upward and collecting them in plastic vials attached to the tops of the bags.

Underwater in Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, during the 2012 spawning season Underwater in Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, during the 2012 spawning season

Courtesy of Abby Wood

When the spawn petered out?spawns last only a few minutes?the divers would carefully cap the vials and hand them to a snorkeler, who would ferry them back to the research boat. Wood mugged her way through the demonstration. It was part practice, part ritual.

Coral sex is more complicated than one might imagine. Corals can reproduce asexually?that is, coral fragments can grow into clones of their parent. But corals can also reproduce through the fertilization of eggs by sperm. Sexual reproduction preserves genetic diversity, and with it a species? ability to withstand and adapt to change.

But coral sex probably doesn?t happen as much as it used to. In the Caribbean, warming water, disease, overfishing, and other problems have killed 80 percent of the region?s coral, turning many reefs into rocks and seaweed. Similar foes are killing coral in the Pacific, where the extent of living coral is thought to have shrunk by half in recent decades. These smaller, weaker, and more diffuse populations seem to be less likely to spawn?and when they do, their sperm and eggs are less likely to meet in the water.

In 2006, a group of European and U.S. aquarists, experts in aquatic plant and animal husbandry, were concerned about the ongoing declines in coral worldwide and decided to try raising sexually reproduced coral in captivity. They knew it would be a challenge: They would have to collect coral sperm and eggs in the wild during infrequent, never-quite-predictable coral spawns, fertilize the eggs in the laboratory, and, once they had young, living corals, figure out how to keep them alive through adolescence. They hoped that sexually reproduced captive coral could be used to revitalize or restore wild coral populations damaged by overfishing, climate change, or other forces.

The aquarists managed to bring some endangered staghorn coral larvae back to their aquaria, where they varied water temperatures, water chemistry, flow rates and feeding regimes, trying to find the optimal conditions for each species. ?We were basically trying to re-create the ocean in a box,? says Michael Henley, an invertebrate curator at the National Zoo.

Each year, as the techniques improved, a few more coral larvae survived and grew. The largest captive-grown staghorn coral colony, which lives at a research station in southern Florida, is now as broad as a dinner plate. In the summer of 2010, the aquarists began releasing young captive-grown corals on a reef near Cura?ao, and many are still alive?an encouraging sign for larger-scale restoration efforts.

Now, on the coast of Belize, the aquarists wanted to try their techniques with elkhorn coral, another gravely endangered coral species in the Caribbean.

Just after sunset, the crew loaded a boat with gear and set off for a half-submerged atoll near Carrie Bow with some large, healthy-looking specimens of coral. Lightning flashed in the distance, over the open sea, and the moon began to rise, huge and orange.


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Google Glass is all-knowing ? is your head ready?

You may have recently spotted some goofy-looking headgear gracing the brows of the Google founders ? and a few supermodels, too. While it may seem like a cyberpunk fashion statement that just got too literal, Google's Project Glass, a wearable camera/display combo, may well be the future of human-machine interaction.

"One thing that we're really excited about and working hard on is transforming the way that people interact with Google," said Scott Huffman, Google's vice president of engineering for Search, showing off a video demonstrating the search engine giant's new sensation. "From the stilted one-keyword-at-a-time conversation, to more of a natural conversation ? like a human assistant."

Make no mistake, Huffman isn't talking about a virtual assistant along the lines of Apple's Siri, which responds to your questions. He's talking about a way to interact with a search engine ? and all its associated products ? that includes it gathering so much data about your life and habits, it will start anticipating your needs. Cool? Yes. Creepy? Maybe that, too.

"If you think about a good assistant," Huffman told me, pausing to correct himself, "a great assistant ? they don't interrupt you every few minutes." He described his own assistant, someone who doesn't interrupt him often, but certainly knows when she should give him a gentle reminder or a sharp kick.

"It's the opposite of the experience on your phone today," Huffman pointed out, referencing how disruptive our smartphones can be. Not only are they not capable of prioritizing our notifications, but they're mostly incapable of anticipating how the priorities themselves change depending on where we are ? or what time it is.

Though Google's improved experience will span all manner of devices ? "We're trying to think of it as ... your assistant is ubiquitously with you," said Huffman ? it's Google Glass that has everyone talking.

Under development in the Google X Lab ? that mysterious skunkworks where self-driving cars, neural networks, and other quirky yet ambitious projects are being dreamed up ? Glass is the most provocative way in which this assistant, your main touchpoint with Google, might interact with you.

A small display lives on a frame that resembles eyeglasses. It is connected to a camera, microphone, bone-conducting speaker, and more. Thanks to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support, the device communicates with other gadgets, such as your smartphone, as well as the good ol' Web.

"OK, Glass!" ? with a command like that, you can prompt the device to take pictures, record video, initiate video chats, provide directions, send messages, search, translate and more. Cards resembling those seen in Google Now ? Google's response to Apple's Siri ? may occasionally appear in the tiny display, meant to remind you of a dentist appointment, provide updates on an upcoming flight, and so on.

A concept video released by Google about a year ago left some people under the misconception that Glass provides an augmented reality experience, where information is overlaid across a field of vision. Instead, as a new demo video confirms, Glass is significantly less disruptive. You actually have to glance up at the display.

Google's intent with Glass is to provide you with all the information you need, before you even think of a question, but without being a nag. Sound too crazy? Not for Google, says ... Google.

What people want ... and what they don't know they want
"Our role is to understand user needs in terms of our search products and make sure that we're developing a search experience that meets and exceeds expectations," Jon Wiley, Google's lead user experience designer for Search, told me in mid-December. To get a sense of how that was going, Wiley said, the company conducted a little human-nature study.

Wiley's team gathered up a group of folks "from all walks of life" and installed specialized software on their mobile devices. Throughout the day, this software prompted the study participants with a very open-ended question: "What was the last bit of information you needed?" The point of the study wasn't to trace the flow of data through the participants' handsets. Wiley's team just wanted to know what sort of information ? simple or complicated, mundane or exciting ? people were hunting for at any given moment.

The study not only allowed Wiley's team to better capture the sorts of queries that people don't ask a search engine ? "Why is my daughter being mean to me?" ? but also the context in which all these questions arose. Where were people when they needed to know these things? What time was it? What were they doing? By gathering these details, the team could attempt to understand the contexts of searches (even the helpless ones) in our day-to-day, human trudge.

One day, Google could perhaps provide all that information without prompting. After all, a diligent user of Google Now already gets flight information, traffic alerts, and other details automatically ? just based on itineraries, daily travel patterns, etc. But with Glass that information could always be front-and-center at the very moment it's needed. What if you're late for a flight? Checking for its gate information by reaching for a boarding pass, pulling your phone out of your pocket, or finding an airport information board wastes precious seconds. Glass could put the information right in front of you without delay.

The more information we share with Google, even just so that Google can better understand our data needs, the more privacy concerns will be raised. Google is already no stranger to privacy lawsuits and legislation, so how much more heated will things get when the company introduces eyeglasses that know as much ? or more ? about you than you know yourself?

Perhaps even more importantly, Google Glass is one of the first digital technologies capable of recording the world around you constantly: Will that cause discomfort for others? Will they start to avoid you once you're wearing a device that allows you to take photos or record video without even the slightest warning? And when will Google Glass data be brought into the courtroom for a divorce case, a robbery, or worse?

Despite its magical promises (and ominous portents), Google's creation may remain out of reach for a while ? until late 2013, at the very earliest. Google's currently only allowing select individuals to participate in the Google Glass Explorer program. This first publicly available Glass edition costs $1,500, and comes with an invite to a special pick-up event and more. In order to be part of the Glass Explorer program, you had to pre-order during Google I/O 2012 conference last June or make it through the recently announced #IfIHadGlass application process.

Nerd alert!
While the general public waits for the latest Google gadget to become available though, there's been plenty of criticism of Glass' appearance ? "these specs look like the freaky science fiction concept they are," Gizmodo's Mario Aguilar declared.

And the behoodied Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, not exactly a fashion icon himself, is among those concerned about how he'll look wearing Glass on his face, reports Ryan Mac. The Forbes' writer witnessed an exchange between Zuckerberg and Google co-founder Sergey Brin after an event at the University of California on Wednesday.

"How do you look out from this without looking awkward?" Zuckerberg reportedly asked. "You know, how are you supposed to use these this without breaking eye contact?" (Neither Facebook nor Google chose to confirm that this conversation occurred.)

Still, Google seems to be working hard to ditch the belief that only the nerdiest of nerds will don Glass. The New York Times' Claire Cain Miller reports that Google may be in negotiations with eyewear seller Warby Parker "to help it design more fashionable frames" for Glass.

The company also collaborated with designer Diane von Furstenberg during last year's New York Fashion Week and brought Glass onto the runway.

?I am so excited to introduce Glass to the fashion world and use this revolutionary technology to give everyone a unique perspective into fashion," von Furstenberg was quoted as remarking, while Google co-founder Sergey Brin added that "beauty, style and comfort are as important to Glass as the latest technology."

Until Glass is publicly available ? and until we discover whether this groundbreaking virtual personal assistant is worth bending a fashion rule or two ? the last words on the subject go to actor LeVar Burton. Speaking for Geordi La Forge, a character he played in "Star Trek: The Next Generation," Burton tweets: "#ifihadglass It would be a downgrade."

Want more tech news or interesting links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on Twitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.


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Balloon crash deepens pall on tourism-dry Luxor

LUXOR, Egypt (AP) ? The fiery crash of a sightseeing balloon that killed 19 tourists has cast a further pall over this city of ancient temples and tombs, already perhaps the hardest hit by Egypt's two-year drop in tourism, which has left hotels here empty and residents desperate for income.

Some connected to the tourist trade in Luxor, a city utterly dependent on foreign visitors to survive, were seething with anger Wednesday at the country's Islamist president for his silence over the crash.

Mohammed Morsi has yet to publicly speak about the tragedy ? and some here took that not just as insensitivity to the victims' families but as indifference to the vital tourism trade.

"Morsi should have taken a plane and come here," Salah Zaky, one of the owners of the five-star Steigenberger Hotel in Luxor , 510 kilometers (320 miles) south of Cairo . "The whole world is watching and he is asleep. It's as if there is no government."

Morsi spoke by telephone to Luxor's governor to discuss the balloon disaster, according to state media. Hours after the crash, he spoke live on TV at a meeting with political leaders ? but only about upcoming parliamentary elections, without mentioning the crash.

"They don't care if this hotel closes. They only care about the ballot box," Zaky said, referring to the Muslim Brotherhood, the fundamentalist group from which Morsi hails and which has dominated all elections held since Mubarak's ouster.

Nine of those who died in Tuesday's crash were in a tour group from Hong Kong that was staying at the Steigenberger. The husband of one of the victims had chosen not to go on the balloon ride and watched from the ground as it burst into flame and plummeted to the earth, with his wife, daughter, sister and brother-in-law on board, hotel staffers said. The man flew out of the country Tuesday evening.

Investigators were still gathering evidence about the cause of the crash, the head of the probe Walid el-Moqadem told The Associated Press, refusing to give details. He said investigators had not yet questioned the balloon's pilot, who survived the crash with severe burns.

"He could barely open his eyes," el-Moqadem said.

The hot air balloon was carrying 20 tourists from Hong Kong, Japan, Britain, Belgium and France on a sunrise flight over Luxor's dramatic pharaonic sites and desert landscape.

The disaster occurred when it was trying to land, just after 7 a.m. Tuesday. Initial investigations suggested that the fire broke out when a landing cable tore one of the balloon's fuel tubes, used to fire the burner that heats the air in the balloon. Investigators said it appeared the pilot jumped out of the balloon's gondola when the fire first broke out, still relatively close to the ground. The investigators spoke on condition of anonymity because the probe was not complete.

The balloon then rose back up, to some 300 meters (1,000 feet), the fire spread to the balloon itself, which burst. Amateur video taken from another balloon flying nearby shows it crashing it back to the earth like a fireball.

The only other survivor was a tourist from Britain, who may have gotten out at the same time as the pilot. He and the pilot were being treated in military hospitals in Cairo, as families of some of the victims arrived in the country to identify their loved ones.

For residents of Luxor, the main city in a province of around 1 million people, the tragedy only further added to their worries over the tourism trade on which they rely. Tourism is the main employer in the area ? and practically the only industry besides farming and a sole sugar factory processing the region's sugar cane crops.

Nearly everyone relies in some way on the visitors who come to visit the monumental ancient temples in Luxor and the Valley of the Kings, the desert valley where many of ancient Egypt's pharaohs, including Tutankhamun, were buried.

With little else to keep it going, the city has been hit hard with many foreign visitors staying away from Egypt amid the turmoil, protests and instability that have plagued the country since the fall of autocrat Hosni Mubarak in February 2011.

The number of tourists coming to Egypt fell to 9.8 million in 2011 from 14.7 million the year before, and revenues plunged 30 percent to $8.8 billion. Last year, the numbers climbed up to just over 10 million, but most tourists go to the beach resorts of the Red Sea, staying away from Nile Valley sites like Luxor.

In Luxor, "when tourism stalls, it affects the tour agents, the drivers, the boat owners, vegetable and fruit sellers, the groceries, the butchers and everybody else who are part of the cycle of life of tourism," said tour agent Medhat Ramadan, who nervously checked his IPad for the latest news on the crash.

"Even farmers who plant the food for horses that drive tourists in carriages are affected. It's all one cycle," he said.

Along with the depressed tourism, Egypt's economy in general has suffered amid the political turmoil. Constant protests, often turning into riots or clashes, along with political uncertainty, have dried up foreign investment. Foreign reserves, a key indicator for the economy's health, have shrunk by two thirds since Mubarak's ouster in February 2011.

The crash had one immediate effect with the suspension of all balloon rides in the area.

"This was one of the pillars of tourism here in Luxor. Now it is gone," said Ramadan. With tour companies forced to offer cheaper and cheaper packages to draw visitors to the city, offering balloon rides ? which draw a higher price ? was one way to pull in extra money for the companies, he said.

For months, hotels here have been reporting occupancy rates below 30 percent ? often well below, even in the winter high season, when normally they are nearly full.

Zaky said the Steinberger has averaged only 25 percent occupancy and has had to cut a quarter of its 400-member staff. At the same time, his gas bill has doubled and electricity costs rose 20 percent in recent months because of price hikes by a government trying to close rampant deficits.

Hesham Youssef, who runs a sailboat offering trips for tourists on the Nile River, said he sometimes goes for three days without a client.

He said Morsi is good ? "a man of the poor, he always mentions God's name." But, Youssef said, "he needs to come out and say something about what happened to those tourists. It is not his fault because what happened was something from God, but he must say something."

Tharwat Agamy, from Luxor's Tourism Chamber, said there was no immediate word on cancellation as a result of the balloon crash, but he feared they would soon happen.

"The whole world is talking about this right now. We are doing our best to push tourism forward but this will take us back many steps back,' he said.


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Small Business Internet Marketing Best Practices

The small business online internet marketing company is constantly devising new strategies for their clients. Best practices for online marketing strategies include a number of technical and traditional aspects for the best results. For starters, the website needs to be developed properly in order for any marketing method to work. Essentially, Internet marketing begins with the website. This is why design and planning are so critical.

Internet marketing techniques should be integrated into the website from the outset. Many novices are unaware that critical aspects such as keywords, meta tags and headers should be designed according to the products and services offered, in addition to appealing to the target audience.

Good website designs need to be properly researched and planned. Technical user friendly aspects are important, but it is every bit as critical to understand how search engine optimization can affect business sales. For example, a business can have one of the best looking and most cutting edge websites around - but if it is not designed for search engine friendliness, the public will not be able to find it.

All of the information that a reader needs should be readily available and easy to access from the moment they hit the landing page. Web searchers do not have the patience to go through slow pages and large amounts of data to find what they are looking for.

Also, content should be engaging so that the visitor is enticed to stay on the website as long as possible. The longer a web visitor stays on the site, the better the chance that they will eventually buy something.

All websites are not created equal. Therefore, a professional and experienced small business internet marketing company will devise specialized strategies that are tailored according to the company's service or product and its target audience.

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Storm that buried Plains slams Great Lakes region

CHICAGO (Reuters) - A powerful winter storm that buried the U.S. Plains moved on Tuesday into the southern Great Lakes region, where it snarled the evening commute in Chicago and Milwaukee, created near-whiteout conditions and forced hundreds of flight cancellations.

Wind gusts of up to 35 miles per hour (56 km per hour) hurled a potent blend of wet snow and sleet on north-central Illinois, southern Wisconsin and northern Indiana and Ohio, according to the National Weather Service.

More than 500 flights were canceled at Chicago's O'Hare International and Midway airports, according to the Chicago Department of Aviation. Those flights that managed to take off or land faced delays of up to an hour.

The Illinois Tollway agency, which maintains nearly 300 miles of highway around Chicago, deployed its fleet of more than 180 snowplows to keep the roads clear.

As the afternoon rush hour began in Chicago, blowing snow reduced visibility and created treacherous driving conditions, doubling average travel times in and out of the city on major expressways, according to

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation warned that much of Interstate 94 between the Illinois state line and Milwaukee was ice covered.

In Chicago, the city's public school system, the third-largest school district in the country, canceled all after-school sporting events, including six state regional basketball games.

The snowstorm may have discouraged some voters in Chicago and its suburbs from voting in a special election primary to replace indicted Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., who resigned the seat in November citing health concerns.

Forecasters with the National Weather Service said the storm would continue to move eastward, dumping 3 to 5 inches of wet snow on Detroit overnight and into Wednesday morning.

It is then expected to move slowly into the Northeast, largely avoiding the cities of New York, Boston and Washington, D.C., but bringing snow to parts of New York state, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, said Brian Korty, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service.

"It's going to linger for a long time over portions of the Northeast," Korty said.


Parts of New York and Pennsylvania could get a "sloppy mix" of snow, ice and rain. Already, ice accumulations were causing sporadic power outages across higher terrains of western Maryland, eastern West Virginia and far western Virginia, said Erik Pindrock, a meteorologist with AccuWeather.

"It's a very multi-faceted storm," Pindrock said. "It's a whole potpourri of wintry weather."

In Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas, where the storm hit earlier, residents were digging out.

Highways in the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles and parts of Kansas remained closed because of heavy and drifting snow.

Amarillo, Texas, saw 19 inches of snow Sunday night into Monday, the third-largest snowfall ever in that city, Pindrock said.

In Kansas, a woman died and three passengers were injured Monday night on Interstate 70 when their pickup truck rolled off the icy roadway in Ellis County, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback said. Earlier Monday, a man was killed when his car veered off the interstate in Sherman County near the Colorado border, he said.

"We urge everyone to avoid travel and be extremely cautious if you must be on the roads," said Ernest Garcia, superintendent of the Kansas Highway Patrol.

A 58-year-old man and his 69-year-old sister died from carbon monoxide poisoning in Kansas City, Kansas, from a gas generator being used in their home because they lost power Tuesday in the snowstorm, said Deputy Fire Chief Craig Duke.

In northern Oklahoma, one person died when the roof of a home partially collapsed in the city of Woodward, said Matt Lehenbauer, the city's emergency management director.

"We have roofs collapsing all over town," said Woodward Mayor Roscoe Hill Jr. "We really have a mess on our hands."

Kansas City, Missouri, was also hard hit by the storm, which left snowfalls of 7 to 13 inches in the metro region on Tuesday, said Chris Bowman, meteorologist for the National Weather Service. Another 1 to 3 inches is forecast for Tuesday evening and nearly two-thirds of the flights at Kansas City International Airport Tuesday afternoon were canceled.

In addition to the winter storm, National Weather Service forecasters on Tuesday issued tornado watches across central Florida and up the eastern coast to South Carolina.

(Reporting by Kevin Murphy in Missouri, David Bailey in Minneapolis, James B. Kelleher in Chicago and Corrie MacLaggan in Texas; Editing by Lisa Von Ahn, Barbara Goldberg, Nick Zieminski, Dan Grebler, Phil Berlowitz, Eric Walsh and Lisa Shumaker)


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Rocket Internet?s Linio, The Amazon Of Latin America, Raises $26.5M From Summit Partners. Rinse And Repeat.

logoAnother Rocket Internet-incubated e-commerce company gets a significant cash injection today: Linio, the so-called 'Amazon of Latin America', has raised a ?20 million (~$26.5m) round from previous backer Summit Partners. It's also the second investment for Linio this month after German retail company Tengelmann Group announced it had invested a "8-digit Euro sum", reportedly somewhere in the ?15-20m range. Its other previous backers are AB Kinnevik, and J.P Morgan Asset Management, along with the Samwers brothers' own startup factor, Rocket Internet. The new funds are said to be used for further growth in Latin America where the company already operates in Colombia, M?xico, Peru and Venezuela.


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Tuesday 26 February 2013

Crawford, Shaw stretch Blackhawks' streak to 18

CHICAGO (AP) ? Corey Crawford made 28 saves, and Andrew Shaw scored the only goal as the Chicago Blackhawks stretched their NHL-record, season-opening point streak to 18 games with a 1-0 victory over the Columbus Blue Jackets on Sunday night.

Crawford earned his seventh NHL shutout and second this season in his first start since Feb. 12. He outdueled Columbus' Steve Mason, who stopped 26 shots.

Shaw provided all the offense in the second period for Blackhawks (15-0-3), who haven't lost in regulation time this season and have earned 33 of 36 possible points. Chicago has won nine straight against Columbus, dating to Feb. 18, 2011.

The Blackhawks set the league record with at least one point in the first 17 games of a season when they beat San Jose 2-1 on Friday ? topping the 2006-07 Anaheim Ducks, who started 12-0-4.

Crawford had been sidelined after he sustained an upper-body injury in a 3-2 shootout loss to Anaheim on Feb. 12. Ray Emery started and won four games in his absence.

Crawford returned to the lineup as Emery's backup on Friday.

The 18-game point streak is also a team record for the Blackhawks, who have only lost in shootouts this season.

The Blue Jackets (5-12-2), who have an NHL-low 12 points, went 0-for-5 on the power play. Mason kept the game close.

The Blackhawks dominated territorially and in puck possession through the first two periods, but only managed to get one shot past the Blue Jackets goalie.

Both teams had a handful of scoring chances in the first period. Mason made a point-blank pad save on Marian Hossa with 8:30 left, and Crawford stopped Derick Brassard from the slot two minutes later.

Mason denied Hossa on a breakaway 5:30 into the second after Hossa stole the puck from James Wisniewski at the Columbus blue line.

The Blue Jackets failed to convert several close-in attempts during a power-play late in the second, including when Vinny Prospal's shot hit the crossbar to cap a breakaway.

Shaw finally broke through with 1:27 left in the second from the low edge of the left circle. He took Bryan Bickell's backhanded feed from the back boards and ripped a high one-timed shot that beat Mason high on the stick side.

Mason made a point-blank pad save on Patrick Kane midway through the third period after Kane made a spectacular spin move and cut across the crease alone.

NOTES: The Ducks went on to win the Stanley Cup in 2007. . Blackhawks C Dave Bolland missed the game with an undisclosed upper-body injury. ... The Blue Jackets placed D Jack Johnson (upper-body), on the injured list on Sunday. C Brandon Dubinsky (lower body) and C Artem Anisimov (upper body) were also out.


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Blog Promotion Houston ? Article Marketing And Its Many Benefits ...

Article marketing doesn?t seem difficult at first. After all, there should be no problem with writing an article and submitting it to a directory? Writing quality articles is not easy, but the results are worth it. However, you have found this article, which contains some excellent tip on how you can dramatically improve your article marketing attempts.

One way that you can ensure you are relating to your readers on a personal level is to write as though you were speaking with a friend. Doing this will make your content seem more personal and less bland and formal. Begin today by adding that relaxed feel to your posts, to make them more like a conversation.

Instead of trying to tackle a broad range of topics, consider narrowing your focus to include a niche. By working in an area that hasn?t already been inundated with other article marketers, you will find that you are more successful. Doing so helps to establish yourself as an original player in the market and an expert in the subject.

Create a catchy title so that people will click on your article rather than someone else?s. Article writing is a vast market; strive to be unique so you get noticed.

Make sure you make the best use of all of the top article directory sites. Take your original article and submit it to the article directory that you think is best. After this is done, put a different spin on the same article, adjust the content to fit, and submit it to a different directory. This keeps your content unique, and will ensure that your articles show up in searches.

Write from your own voice, from your own heart. If you are not versed in doing this, consider giving yourself creative writing exercises until you learn how to do this. If you are unable to write without using a dictionary or thesaurus for a majority of the article, you probably should not submit it. The audience will know that the content is not you speaking and will most likely avoid reading any more of your content.

You can use your articles to help inform other people of useful solutions. If you see that certain problems keep cropping up in your market space, put out articles detailing your own solutions to make your impact.

Add Twitter and Facebook plug-ins that automatically share your new content. You will appreciate the automation if you generate significant amounts of content daily. Twitter can be a time-consuming effort, so having a program that will do it for you is essential.

It is crucial to have at least two eZinearticles accounts to help gain exposure. Use different pen names under multiple accounts, and continue to offer quality content. Even if you are using different author names, try to stick with the same keywords on all your articles.

You can get paid by many websites that post your articles for each view or click that an article receives. With all the different choices, you should have no problem making money writing articles online. The earnings can be very rewarding.

Use a variety of writing levels and vocabulary in your articles. Technical products should include technical writing. That said, putting the information in layman?s terms could help introduce people to the product, as well. Respect and credibility will be achieved by indulging your audience.

Including a strong, attention-grabbing opening in each article is essential. There are many different strategies for grabbing a reader?s attention, so use the one that works best for the situation at hand.

Offer incentives for newsletter sign-ups, such as a free report. You can write this yourself or hire someone to write it for you. This will possibly entice customers to receive email marketing from you. The article needs to provide relevant information related to your product and industry.

Make your articles your own. Tell some anecdotes, adopt a friendly tone and write about your experiences and feelings so your readers can relate to you. Let your honest, individual style express itself in your articles. Readers will appreciate your effort and will be more inclined to return.

When you first begin article marketing, target longtail keywords. By doing this, you can start to see what it is like to have your article at the top of search engine results pages. In addition, most of these keywords get searched fifty or sixty times during each month, so you could get some order is you are marketing a particular product or service.

When writing articles, keep in mind that the article needs to be informative and entertaining. Try to keep your writing style upbeat and friendly. Introduce your technical information so everyone can understand if you want your complex articles to remain friendly. Don?t bore your readers ? they will go away.

Do not use an instant writing service in order to market your business. While you can generate many articles quickly this way, it doesn?t mean they will be of high quality. A lot of services won?t even provide you articles with proper English. Writing content on your own is a much better option.

Use catchy headlines, but avoid hype. Don?t ever write a title which promises more than you can truly give. Value added content can go a long way in helping to gain credibility from your readers. This lets readers know what they are getting.

Include a brief summary, which should engage the reader to continue to the end of the text. A couple ways to lure readers in is to pose a question in the title and answer it in the article, as well as promise that you will solve some problem they have. You will notice results when people select your articles.

Writing articles can be fun, and even better, can interest people enough to buy your products. Take these tips and use them in your article marketing strategy to increase readers and ultimately buyers. Articles provide an effective way to accomplish your Internet marketing if you apply the good principles found here.

&copy Copyright 2013admin, All rights Reserved. Written For: Blog Promotion Houston


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Monday 25 February 2013

Net providers begin warning of illegal downloads

(AP) ? Internet users who illegally share music, movies or television shows online could soon receive warning notices from the nation's five major Internet service providers.

The Copyright Alert System, organized by the recording and film industry, is being activated this week to target consumers using peer-to-peer software.

Under the new system, complaints will prompt an Internet service provider ? such as Verizon or AT&T ? to notify a customer whose Internet address has been detected sharing files illegally. A person will be given up to six opportunities to stop before the Internet provider will take more drastic steps, such as temporarily slowing their connection, or redirecting Internet traffic until they acknowledge they received a notice or review educational materials about copyright law.

Consumers who maintain they have been wrongly accused would be forced to pay $35 to appeal the decision. The fee would be reimbursed if they prevail.

Proponents say the focus is on deterring the average consumer rather than chronic violators. The director of the organization behind the system, Jill Lesser of the Center for Copyright Infringement, said in a blog post Monday that the program is "meant to educate rather than punish, and direct (users) to legal alternatives."

Each Internet provider is expected to implement their own system. The program gives each customer five or six "strikes" after a music or film company has detected illegal file-sharing and lodged a complaint. The first alerts are expected to be educational, while the third and fourth would require the customer to acknowledge that they have received the warnings and understand their behavior is illegal. The final warnings are expected to lead to "mitigation measures," such as slowing a person's Internet connection speeds.

Officials involved in the effort acknowledge it's unlikely to stop the biggest violators. There are ways to disguise an IP address or use a neighbor's connection that is unlocked. Public wireless connections, such as those offered at coffee shops, also won't be monitored.

Associated Press


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Sunday 24 February 2013

Battle for Syria's Aleppo airport intensifies

BEIRUT (AP) ? The battle for Syria's second-largest airport intensified Saturday as government troops tried to reverse recent strategic gains the rebels have made in the northeast in their quest to topple President Bashar Assad.

Assad's forces have been locked in a stalemate with rebels in Aleppo since July when the city, the largest in Syria, became a major battlefield in the 2-year-old conflict the United Nations says has killed at least 70,000 people. For months, rebels have been trying to capture the international airport, which is closed because of the fighting.

Rami Abdul-Rahman, director of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights activist group, said the current fighting was focused on a section of a highway linking the airport with Aleppo, the commercial hub of the nation.

The rebels have cut off the highway, which the army has been using to transport troops and supplies to a military base within the airport complex. Rebels have made other advances in the battle for the airport in recent weeks, including overrunning two army bases along the road to the airport.

The rebels also control large swaths of countryside outside Aleppo and whole neighborhoods inside the city, which is carved up into areas controlled by the regime and others held by rebels. Months of heavy street fighting has left whole neighborhoods of the storied city in ruins.

On Friday, regime forces fired three missiles into a rebel-held area in eastern Aleppo, hitting several buildings and killing 37 people, according to the Observatory. Some bodies were recovered from the rubble of apartments flattened in the strike, which apparently involved ground-to-ground missiles.

A similar attack on Tuesday in another impoverished Aleppo neighborhood killed at least 33 people, almost half of them children.

In Damascus, government forces shelled several rebellious suburbs Saturday as part of their efforts to dislodge opposition fighters who have used the towns and villages surrounding the capital as a staging ground for their attempts to push into the center of the city.

Recent rebel advances in the suburbs, combined with the bombings and three straight days of mortar attacks earlier this week, marked the most sustained challenge to the heart of Damascus, the seat of Assad's power.

A suicide car bombing on Thursday near the ruling Baath Party headquarters in central Damascus killed 53 people and wounded more than 200, according to state media. Anti-regime activists put the death toll at 61, which would make it the deadliest bombing of the revolt in the capital.

The different tolls could not be reconciled.

Nobody has claimed responsibility for the attack. Car bombs and suicide attacks have been a hallmark of Jabhat al-Nusra, an Islamic militant group that is one of the myriad factions fighting on the rebel side. Nusra fighters, the most effective group on the battlefield, have led assaults on military installations and control swaths of territory in the north, including parts of Aleppo.

The fighting has increasingly taken on sectarian overtones with members of Syria's Sunni Muslim majority dominating the rebel ranks, who are fighting Assad's regime that is mostly made up of Alawites, an offshoot Shiite group.

Efforts to stop the bloodshed in Syria so far have failed, leaving the international community at a loss of how to end the civil war.

Russia, one of Assad's closest allies, and the Arab League proposed on Wednesday to broker talks between the Syrian opposition and Assad's regime. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem will lead a delegation to Moscow on Monday, and Russia had been expecting a visit in March from opposition leader Mouaz al-Khatib.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the Kremlin and the League were trying to establish direct contact between the Syrian regime and the opposition. The Western-backed opposition umbrella group, the Syrian National Coalition, long rejected any talks as long as Assad remains in power.

In a sharp turnaround, al-Khatib said earlier this month he would meet with members of the regime if that would help end the bloodshed. His comments, however, drew pointed criticism from several opposition figures who said al-Khatib spoke for himself, not the group.

On Friday, the Coalition announced after two days of meetings in Cairo that it would welcome U.S. and Russian mediation to negotiate a peace deal to end the country's civil war but insisted it would not allow Assad or members of his security services to participate in the talks.

But the SNC then said in a statement posted on its Facebook page late Friday that its leaders would not travel to Washington or Moscow for any talks. It said the decision was taken to protest the international community's "silence over crimes committed by the regime" against Syrian people in Aleppo and other cities across the country.

The Coalition also lashed out at Russia, saying it bears "special responsibility" because it supplies the regime with weapons.

The statement also said that the opposition leaders would boycott a meeting next month in Rome of the Friends of Syria, which includes the United States and its European allies.


Associated Press writer Ryan Lucas in Beirut contributed to this report.


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Kate Hudson, Matt Bellamy Vacation In Miami With Their Kids (PHOTOS)

After celebrating the Brit Awards in London on Wednesday, Kate Hudson and Muse frontman Matt Bellamy headed to Miami, Fla., with their family on Friday for the U.S. leg of Bellamy's tour.

The engaged couple, who have been together since 2010, hit the beach with their 1-year-old son Bingham and Hudson's son with ex-husband Chris Robinson, Ryder, 9, on Feb. 22, enjoying the warm weather as they splashed in the water along the shore.

Hudson, 33, was also seen playing some foosball with Ryder at their hotel pool before heading back to the beach to meet up with Bellamy, 34, and Bing.

As for their wedding plans, Hudson and Bellamy have stayed mum on the subject, but they're definitely looking forward to tying the knot eventually.

?We?re sort of going back and forth about, you know, is it a big wedding? Are we going to get married on a mountaintop? You know we?ve both been so into having a baby and our life schedules," Hudson told Ellen DeGeneres in September. "We just want to make sure it?s right when it happens.?

Check out Kate, Matt, Ryder and Bing in Miami below:

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In 1475 Renaissance favorite Sandro Botticelli took a break from painting goddesses and muses to capture a particularly chiseled youth and his bling medal.


"Portrait of a Youth with a Medal" depicts haughty looking youth bearing a Cosimo de' Medici medal and some Renaissance swagger. While his identity remains unknown, one thing is for certain: this youth is a badass with a bob.

If the anonymous youth was able to post his glamour shot on Facebook, what do you think would be his snarky comment? Go on readers, caption it!

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Social Media Welcome To Reality On the internet |

While others may possibly feel you are merely enjoying the a number of facets of social networking, the truth of your interest may likely be tinged with a organization focus.

What that doesnt imply is that you post simply to leave a traceab?

The use of social media encompasses a broad range of on the web media sorts. Whilst some may possibly only feel of a social network like MySpace there are truly several social media formats that contain substantial marketing and advertising potential for online organization.

Whilst other individuals could believe you are simply enjoying the numerous aspects of social networking, the truth of your interest might probably be tinged with a organization focus.

What that doesnt indicate is that you post merely to leave a traceable link back to your organization website. Those who pay a visit to any social media web site see through posts that are overtly geared toward marketing and advertising. In numerous cases social media consumers view this as spam even if the social network owners do not. In the finish, you can lose credibility of you dont perform as a meaningful contributor in a social media surroundings.

Social media can be presented in numerous distinct types. Lets take a peak at a handful of of them.

YouTube and other related video websites These videos can be funny, serious, off the cuff and at times political in nature. You can show your organization in a humorous light and enable men and women to be curious about you and your business.

MySpace and other social networks This type of social media is common due to the fact it draws together multiple elements of social advertising and marketing and makes them accessible to the masses of folks that might view social networking as an online version of reality television.

Blogs This is a type of social media if only because it does let interactive exchanges in between the blogger and the reader.

Forums This can enable you to have an person voice prepared to go over topics of interest to the majority. As with all social media you can give a link to your site. If you are viewed as a trusted source you will likely find forum members following you to your web site to understand a lot more.

Podcasting This is an audio stream that can allow a visitor to hear a private message from you. This can have a pronounced effect in social advertising and marketing.

This isnt an exhaustive list, but it does give one thing for you to think about as an addition to other advertising and marketing techniques you may have in spot. Social media enables you to take your message to the folks and have fun although you share your message.

I cant tension adequate how important it is to be actual. The whole Internet community has a low tolerance for supposed spam so make confident you dont use social media as basically one more type of on-line marketing.Jett Media Group
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I'm a black female and I met this Asian guy I'm really into but I'm so unsure because all his Facebook pictures are with Asians (family, friends) . We both live in Germany but he's stationed here he's in the U.S. army. Idk I'm just soo unsure

Anonymous asked: I'm a black female and I met this Asian guy I'm really into but I'm so unsure because all his Facebook pictures are with Asians (family, friends) . We both live in Germany but he's stationed here he's in the U.S. army. Idk I'm just soo unsure

I would go based off us the way he acts around you.?To be honest, I usually pursue Asian guys who have a diverse group of friends. I find that when they have a more diverse group of friends, they seem to be more comfortable around black women and open to AMBW. Things are usually easier with them.?

Thats just me, and I don?t want to discourage you. There are Asian guys out there who only have Asian friends, but are still open to other cultures. Just because you only have a certain group of people around you doesn?t necessarily mean you?re closed minded. We have had submissions from girls living in Asia who have found their husbands and boyfriends there. They?re surrounded by Asians, but was still open to dating a black girl.?

I?d rather you take the plunge and pursue him, then be too scared to try and be left wondering ?what if?. Good luck, and keep us updated.?


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Saturday 23 February 2013

HBT: Storen was dealing with bad back in NLDS

This is of little consolation to Nationals fans after the club lost in heartbreaking fashion during the NLDS against the Cardinals, but it turns out that Drew Storen wasn?t quite at 100 percent when the season came crashing down. In fact, CBS Sports? Jon Heyman hears that Storen was pitching through ?excruciating? back pain.

It might have been easy at some point during interview after interview he has done this winter and spring to let slip that he was having terrible back pain in Game 5, that he?d spend much of the final three days in the trainers room receiving treatment for back spasms others described as unbearable. Not him, though. Storen wouldn?t say a thing about it. Still won?t. Not really.

Storen merely said that he ?wanted to be out there? and that he ?grinded,? but Jayson Werth was a bit more forthcoming.

?He was having real bad back spasms. That was the third day (pitching) in a row,? teammate Jayson Werth said. ?He was banged up, man. No one knew. For him to just have the balls to go out there, that says a lot about him.?

?I?m not blaming his injury,? Werth said. ?He just wasn?t healthy.?

Werth said that ?no one knew,? but if Storen was getting treatment during the series, I?m going to assume that manager Davey Johnson was aware of it. And that makes it all the more curious that Storen pitched in an 8-0 loss in Game 3 despite the distinct possibility that he could be needed in the next two games. Again, doesn?t matter much now, but it?s interesting to think about now that we have some added context.


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Why sourdough bread resists mold

Feb. 21, 2013 ? Sourdough bread resists mold, unlike conventionally leavened bread. Now Michael Gaenzle and colleagues of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, show why. During sourdough production, bacteria convert the linoleic acid in bread flour to a compound that has powerful antifungal activity. The research, which could improve the taste of bread, is published online ahead of print in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

The major benefits from the research are twofold: better tasting bread, says Gaenzle, because "preservatives can be eliminated from the recipes, and because sourdough bread has a more distinct and richer flavor compared to bread produced with yeast only;" and novel tools to control fungi in malting and plant production, via treatment of seeds with the anti-fungal fatty acids.

Genuine sourdough bread differs from ordinary bread in having an extra fermentation step, over and above yeast fermentation. This step is mediated by lactic acid bacteria, typically of the genus Lactobacillus, says Gaenzle.

In the study, "we offered linoleic acid to lactobacilli and screened for organisms producing potent antifungal activity," says Gaenzle. The investigators then fractionated the metabolites to isolate and identify compounds with antifungal activity. "The identification was a bottleneck in the research project," says Gaenzle. "In collaboration with analytical chemists, we had to develop novel methods for identifying the compounds."

L. hammesii produced substantial quantities of hydroxylated monounsaturated fatty acids which the researchers found strongly inhibited mold formation. A second antifungal fatty acid produced by cereal enzymes contributes to the antifungal activity of sourdough.

"The two compounds and their formation by cereal or microbial enzymes had been described previously, but their antifungal activity and their generation in food production was unknown," says Gaenzle. These new findings, he says, were "a step towards understanding how and why lactobacilli metabolize fatty acids. This could be useful in the long term to improve our understanding of the biology of these organisms."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Society for Microbiology.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. B. A. Black, E. Zannini, J. M. Curtis, M. G. Ganzle. Antifungal hydroxy-fatty acids produced during sourdough fermentation: microbial and enzymatic pathways, and antifungal activity in bread. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2013; DOI: 10.1128/AEM.03784-12

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday 22 February 2013

Silk Expands Water Conservation Efforts - Environmental Leader

Home???Silk Expands Water Conservation Efforts

February 21, 2013

Silk Expands Water Conservation Efforts

IHS - Click Here.

The soy milk and almond milk brand Silk has expanded its water conservation efforts through a partnership with Bonneville Environmental Foundation and a pledge to offset all of its water use.

The brand partnered with the National Geographic Society, Bonneville Environmental Foundation and Participant Media as the first corporate sponsor for Change the Course, a multi-year campaign to converse freshwater and preserve ecology in the Colorado River Basin.

Change the Course challenges the public to learn about freshwater issues, calculate their own water footprint with the National Geographic?s interactive tool and take a pledge to conserve at For every pledge received, Silk or another corporate sponsor will make a donation to restore 1,000 gallons of water back into the Colorado River.

For 2013, Silk has also committed to offsetting 50 percent of its manufacturing water footprint through the purchase of water restoration certificates and 100 percent of its electricity footprint from manufacturing at its company-owned facilities. Silk?s goal is to offset 100 percent of both its water and electricity footprint in the coming years through the Bonneville Environmental Foundation.

WhiteWave Foods, Silk?s parent company, has made several sustainability commitments including reducing waste-to-landfill, water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. To date, the company has reduced greenhouse gas emissions on a per gallon of product basis by 21 percent compared to its 2006 baseline. The company has reduced waste-to-landfill by 35 percent compared to a 2007 baseline and non-ingredient water by eight percent compared to a 2008 baseline.

An independent study commissioned by WhiteWave found, on average, producing one half-gallon of plant-based beverages such as soy milk and almond milk requires 77 percent less water and generates 47 percent fewer greenhouse gases than producing one half-gallon of conventional US dairy milk.

Last month, Dairy UK signed an agreement with the the Waste and Resources Action Programme to cut the dairy industry?s water use and improve its water management.

US dairy companies also have reduced their water use. Dean Foods? water use intensity dropped almost 4.5 percent year-on-year, from 1.4992 gallons of water used per gallon of product in 2010 to 1.4330 in 2011, according to the dairy company?s latest sustainability report. The company?s absolute water use dropped 6 percent over the course of the year, from 5.2 billion gallons in 2010 to 4.9 billion gallons in 2011.

Stay Up-to-Date On Environmental Management, Energy & Sustainability News with EL's Free Daily Newsletter



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Thursday 21 February 2013

The Speaker, Lok Sabha, Smt. Meira Kumar releasing the book entitled ?Justice, Judocracy and Democracy in India: Boundaries and Breaches? authored by Shri Sudhanshu Ranjan, in New Delhi on February 20, 2013. The Chief Justice of India, Shri Justice Altamas

The Speaker, Lok Sabha, Smt. Meira Kumar releasing the book entitled ?Justice, Judocracy and Democracy in India: Boundaries and Breaches? authored by Shri Sudhanshu Ranjan, in New Delhi on February 20, 2013. The Chief Justice of India, Shri Justice Altamas Kabir is also seen.

Photo no.CNR - 48466


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Putin ally quits Russian parliament in property scandal

MOSCOW (Reuters) - An ally of Vladimir Putin resigned from the Russian parliament on Wednesday to fight accusations that he failed to declare ownership of property in the United States and to protect the reputation of the president's party.

Vladimir Pekhtin, who had already stepped down as head of parliament's ethics committee, denied owning real estate abroad despite documents posted by bloggers on the Internet showing his name on the deeds of property in Florida worth $2 million.

The allegations are an embarrassment for Putin and his United Russia party, which Pekhtin represented in the State Duma lower house, and a rare victory for protest leaders in an online campaign to publicize alleged cases of official corruption.

The resignation appears designed to deflect any criticism of Putin and the party.

"I will not dwell on my personal feelings but I want to say one thing: I am clean before the law, have never violated and never will violate either the spirit or the letter of the law," Pekhtin, 52, said in a speech to the State Duma.

He said the apartments in Florida were owned by his 35-year-old son Alexey and that he needed time to defend himself against allegations which might be used against United Russia, the government, his family and parliament.

"If it was only about me, then rest assured that I know how to take a blow," he said.

"During all this time, people will be trashing my name, people will be trashing the United Russia party, of which I was one of the founders, people will be trashing my family. I just don't want that."

Pekhtin stepped down as head of the State Duma's ethics committee last week for the duration of an investigation. A day earlier, Putin had submitted a bill to parliament that is intended to prevent officials stashing illicit wealth abroad.

It was not clear whether Putin had played any role in Pekhtin's resignation but the Kremlin quickly welcomed the decision.

"What Pekhtin has done is honest and honorable. It's not a question of accusations, it's not a question of breaking the law, it's a question of an honorable deed," said Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov.


The documents posted by anti-corruption bloggers online show Pekhtin's name on the deeds of three properties in Florida, one of which was bought for about $1.3 million. Documents seen by Reuters also carry the name of his son Alexey.

The law does not prevent officials from owning property overseas, but Pekhtin's critics say he neglected to include the real estate in declarations he made for the State Duma on his property and income.

The accusations against Pekhtin first came from Alexei Navalny, one of the leaders of the biggest protests since Putin first rose to power in 2000.

"That's it. We'll no longer be seeing this glorious representative of the Party of Swindlers and Thieves on the State Duma's website," Navalny wrote on his blog. "Now he can move for good to Miami and live there peacefully."

Putin, who returned to the Kremlin last May after four years as premier, has said tackling corruption is a priority.

But opinion polls show Russians are skeptical he will succeed, and the scandal around Pekhtin could further undermine confidence in his ability or desire to crack down on corruption.

The head of Russia's central bank said in an interview that nearly $50 billion was transferred out of Russia illegally in 2012, a sum equivalent to about 2.5 percent of gross domestic product.

Putin called in December for "a whole system of measures to 'de-offshore' our economy", an initiative intended to take the wind out of the sails of protesters who regularly describe Russia's ruling party as "swindlers and thieves".

But the bill he submitted last week is weaker than one proposed by the State Duma which would not allow apparatchiks to own property abroad or to open foreign bank accounts.

(Editing by Andrew Roche)


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